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Wire Scrapping - Teach Me

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    TopCoder started this thread.
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    Wire Scrapping - Teach Me

    I'm new to scrapping, actually I never scrapped before, so this will be my first experience.

    I have a lot of wire, a few hundred lbs - But I need help determine what I should do with them..

    I have a lot of these - The fitting is metal (it's pretty heavy)

    Here's what it looks like when I take the fitting off.

    What's the best way to scrap this:

    1) Cut the end off and toss in a box for computer ends (feels like it's cheating on weight) since it's super heavy and toss the wire in another box
    2) Open the end up and put the metal in a box, put the real computer end with the gold pins an another box, and the wire in a third box?
    3) Do I strip the wire?

    Here's a simple power cord cable you see on just about every monitor/computer.

    What's the best way to scrap this:

    1) Cut the ends off and put the wire in a box, toss the ends in the trash?
    2) Just put the entire cord in a box?

    Used Roll of Cat 5

    1) Bust off the plastic and put it in a box?
    2) Strip it?
    3) Leave the plastic on and toss it in a box?

    Used Roll of phone wire..

    1) Bust off the plastic and put it in a box?
    2) Strip it?
    3) Leave the plastic on and toss it in a box?

    This is a power supply, both photo's is the same power supply

    1) Dismantle it into parts? what parts (fan, board, casing)

    These things considered computer ends?

    This is a fibre to Serial converor, I didn't open it, but I think there's a little circuitry inside, the serial side has gold pins.

    1) Do I just toss the whole piece in a computer ends box, or do I dissect it?

    On the wire part, some wire is much thicker then others, are they all considered #2 - How should I sperate each wire.

    Thanks! I'll have more questions later I'm sure.

  2. #2
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    WOW! where to start..... First I, and everyone else here, would recommend you read through the posts on this forum. All your questions have been answered many times in many posts.
    Are you planning on taking what you have to the scrap yard? Or are you planning on adding to your scrap pile?
    If the latter: Take everything apart, break everything down, and strip everything! save everything in its own bucket! Fill your garage so your wife hates you!

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  4. #3
    TopCoder started this thread.
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    I was planning on do a combination the escrap on ebay (Computer wire ends) and the metal and wire to a scrap yard.

    I read a lot of posts on the forums and the wire part has be confused a little and I'm not sure what wire to lump with which wire. I called the scrap yard and asked what they paid for insulated wire and I got a response like .85 lb. But I'm now questioning, if I was using the right lingo, is communication considered insulated wire?

    And the shielding around the wire? Is that copper or some type of tin foil?

  5. #4
    Scrapcrazy's Avatar
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    TopCoder, Great photos, it's always easier to answer specific questions when you supply photos. Like ParkerFyer said, do some more reading, there's an answer if not multiple answers for every single question you asked. Continue to break down like you already are but I would advise you just cut the wire from your power supplies and see what your yard will pay for it as is without the wires. I don't think it's cost effective to open them up and break down even further. But if you have the time and the itch, break em down to your hearts content! The people you will come across here on this forum will never lead you astray and when one does, someone else will call them out on it.
    Sweat is the cologne of success!

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  7. #5
    KeyCityRecycling's Avatar
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    I personally don't think power supplies are worth breaking down. Sell them as electric motors or copper bearing scrap. Depends on your yard what they will categorize them as.

    All your wire should go as #2 insulated wire. Some yards have separate prices for telephone or communication wire. You can call them and ask what Cat 5 cable would be classified as. If they don't classify the cat 5 wire and telephone wire as #2 insulated than call another yard and see if you can find one that does buy the cat 5 and telephone wire as #2 insulated. The price between what they pay for communication wire and #2 insulated might be worth your time to go to a different yard depending on how much weight you have.

    If you are into E-scrap you could cut the ends off your cat 5 wire and throw them with your other gold bearing ends, if not just leave them on. Same for your other bigger ends you have pictured as long as they are not magnetic. You shouldn't need to cut the ends off the power cords either. They do not contain gold so your losing weight if you do cut them off. Your yard should buy the power cords as #2 with the ends still attached. Some yards might not though so you might want to ask before you arrive. You can always take a wire cutter along with you and cut them off at the yard if they say they are going to down grade the cords because of the ends.
    Last edited by KeyCityRecycling; 07-31-2012 at 08:01 AM.

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