I'm new to scrapping, actually I never scrapped before, so this will be my first experience.

I have a lot of wire, a few hundred lbs - But I need help determine what I should do with them..

I have a lot of these - The fitting is metal (it's pretty heavy)

Here's what it looks like when I take the fitting off.

What's the best way to scrap this:

1) Cut the end off and toss in a box for computer ends (feels like it's cheating on weight) since it's super heavy and toss the wire in another box
2) Open the end up and put the metal in a box, put the real computer end with the gold pins an another box, and the wire in a third box?
3) Do I strip the wire?

Here's a simple power cord cable you see on just about every monitor/computer.

What's the best way to scrap this:

1) Cut the ends off and put the wire in a box, toss the ends in the trash?
2) Just put the entire cord in a box?

Used Roll of Cat 5

1) Bust off the plastic and put it in a box?
2) Strip it?
3) Leave the plastic on and toss it in a box?

Used Roll of phone wire..

1) Bust off the plastic and put it in a box?
2) Strip it?
3) Leave the plastic on and toss it in a box?

This is a power supply, both photo's is the same power supply

1) Dismantle it into parts? what parts (fan, board, casing)

These things considered computer ends?

This is a fibre to Serial converor, I didn't open it, but I think there's a little circuitry inside, the serial side has gold pins.

1) Do I just toss the whole piece in a computer ends box, or do I dissect it?

On the wire part, some wire is much thicker then others, are they all considered #2 - How should I sperate each wire.

Thanks! I'll have more questions later I'm sure.