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If my yard sees a capaitor in the load they will refuse the whole load. Good luck finding someone to buy them.
Ha. I wonder if they'll take an old transformer. The problem with capacitors is (in most cases) a situation of "better safe than sorry". Up until 1979 capacitors commonly used chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which may be cancerous. Well let's just say there was sufficient evidence to ban further use, but not enough evidence for the government to recall them or forbid use of existing stock. They fell out of use completely by mid 1980s. At that point many big caps were made with a "NO PCBs" statement on the label. (and keep in mind we're talking big caps in cans)
Anyway, if a yard gets a pre 1980s cap with PCBs it is hazardous waste, and even though old caps are few and far between, that's why they don't want them. If you have electricicals built prior to 1980 chances are the caps (the big ones in cans) have to be removed and saved up for hazmat day at your local waste/recycling center.
Other than the possibility of a stored charge, most of the big caps you will get don't pose much threat. Just don't drink water from the Hudson river north of Troy NY. And you might want to investigate any big old transformers before you take them.