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Laptop selling or scrap?

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  1. #1
    Ecycle Atlanta started this thread.
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    Laptop selling or scrap?

    I have a few laptops just given to me. I'm in the process of wiping the drives. However, these units did not have power cords and batteries are out of juice. Just wondering if I should just tear them apart or go through the hassle of getting new cords ($$), testing the units, then listing? These are probably 5 years old, and I dont know the configurations. Or I could just list them on ebay AS IS...untested, no cord, etc. for a couple bucks. The hard drives range from 80 - 160 gb. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    chrisc's Avatar
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    i never ebay them ,but cords are cheap i always keep laptop cords for this reason ,5 year old laptop is good for working or parts its a gamble but min you have good parts i would buy cords from ebay but thats me

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  4. #3
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    Unless it has windows vista on it or newer don't bother spending the money on a battery and cord unless it is a more wanted type of computer like the Panosonic Tough Book.

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  6. #4
    chrisc's Avatar
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    xp machines go for 75-100 bucks cord 10-15 bucks i would buy cord scrap value =6-10 bucks tops

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  8. #5
    LadyScrappers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    I have a few laptops just given to me. I'm in the process of wiping the drives. However, these units did not have power cords and batteries are out of juice. Just wondering if I should just tear them apart or go through the hassle of getting new cords ($$), testing the units, then listing? These are probably 5 years old, and I dont know the configurations. Or I could just list them on ebay AS IS...untested, no cord, etc. for a couple bucks. The hard drives range from 80 - 160 gb. Any thoughts?
    Do you have a computer sales/repair shop around you? I sell all my laptops, working or not, to a sales/repair guy for $5-20/laptop, depending on components missing and the age of the laptop.

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  10. #6
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Have you not checkd out ROKrecycling for laptop prices? If it has a good screen and its only 5 years old you have to either have a dual core or a p4. At the very least he will pay you $15 for it. People really need to look at the buyers section on the forum. Also if you want to take the hard drives out and send them to me I pay pretty good prices for them if they test well also. Check out my buyers thread as well.

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  12. #7
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    We've a combo business, We buy sell and repair computers, and then also We recycle computers, We do quite a bit every week. What we do with older laptops, we just set them to the side.. and acumulate a bunch.. and then We sometimes either scrap them down, or Sell them to a R2 Certified Recycling place and get a few bucks back from them, You can get from 75 to 1.05 per pound.. most laptops if all componets are there can weigh up to about 5 to six pound. We pay customers to bring them in We pay out 20 cent per pound. So We still making a small profit but better then none.. so scrap or resell, IF its Vista or higher, and good shape.. like almost a grade A we sell, if its not.. Scrap OOOOOO .. Hope that answer Your question.

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  14. #8
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    Laptops older than 5yrs old are hit and miss on Ebay. I just sold an HP ZV5000 2004 Intact with XP. Battery was done had to plug it in the wall. Sold for $50 Look at completed listings parts not working over the last couple of weeks you might be surprised. Good Luck!

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  16. #9
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Always always try to sell as a parts machine if you dpnt have cords ect. Give it a 5 or 7 day listing. Probably will sell for more than scrap in my experience. If not it was in the way for a week at most...then start offloading to other channels like the buyers in here or scrap them. I can scrap them and still get like $2 per non scratched lcd.

  17. #10
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Selling on E-bay as a "parts or repair" machine may be your best bet with the right computer. You can get a universal laptop charger that you can adjust the voltage and change out the tips depending on the machine.

    If you get a good one it will last you for awhile. The first one that I bought burned up quick. The seller shipped me another one and so far so good. But you are dealing with garbage from China so your mileage may vary.

    universal laptop charger | eBay

    The above is a link for them. They seem to be cheaper than they used to be which means that they may burn up faster.

    But the best bet is to have a good system of saving and storing the ones that you get through your travels.
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  18. #11
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    don't scrap em ... sell em or trade em ... i deal with a computer repair guy and i always trade him 2 or 3 untested laptops for 1 working ....

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