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Cleaning up the farm

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  1. #1
    Jiminil started this thread.
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    Cleaning up the farm

    I've got a few items to get rid of before putting my farm on the market and am wondering the best way to proceed. One of the items is a ss milk cooler. My son and I took out an old octupus furnace out of the basement yesterday. I also have a Caterpillar track loader which weighs about 9 and half tons. Any idea what I should hope to receive from a scrapper for these?

  2. #2
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    Scrap is the lowest possible price you can get, and that's if you take it there yourself. You'll do best to sell them yourself to someone who might still have a use for it, try placing an ad on craigslist for each of them, in the largest nearby metroplex, figure out a decent price and work from there. Try contacting a caterpillar dealer or repair and see if they want it, larger construction companies too maybe, in the process you might get an idea on a fair price. Google them and look for current similar items presently up for sale/recently sold. Ask an auctioneer, there's lots of ways to find better than scrap value if you do some looking around. Even consider parting them out, some special parts off one(i.e. motors, tranny etc) might get you a better price than the whole unit as scrap. Do your homework if you want a decent price

  3. #3
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    Sounds like some pretty big stuff. Call your yard and talk to them about the track loader. The other stuff you might be able to haul in yourself, or talk to your yard about getting a roll-off.

  4. #4
    jghilino's Avatar
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    I would wait for price to come up, im not hauling till next summer atleast. Id say you have $2000-$3000 worth as a ballpark figure as is right now.

  5. #5
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    a friend has a farm- well his father owns it and i asked him about scrap
    he said he has some stuff & if i feel its worth it- not running at a loss after petrol etc, im welcome to come and take whatever he has lying around
    i went there on Wednesday and was i happy!
    i had 2 full loads and theres still more to clear.

    and his brother showed me other piles of metal & said he needs time to sort what hes going to keep 7 then will call me to clear the rest.

    theres a big industrial size double door stainless steel fridge just lying out in a bush- im going back next week for that- also lots of aluminium door frames and other steel stuff.

    i dont have a big vehicle- so therefore it took me 2 loads to remove what i took.
    im sure u guys would have cleared the entire yard with one load.

    the pic of the 2nd load is not everything i took-there was much more stuff
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    Last edited by msmoorad; 06-01-2013 at 11:45 AM.

  6. #6
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    Any idea how old the track loader is? What is the model number? If it can be made to run, you'll get more out of it than scrap, even if you have to sell it to a local farmer. (=less lowbedding cost.)

    Another idea would be to sell it to someone who parts out these machines, although it would need to be a "newer" machine where there is some call for parts. There should be quite a few people who part out heavy equipment in the Eastern US--do a Google search for them.

    Good Luck!

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