i work at a body shop. and i recently had to replace a door lock switch in a 2010 jetta(im not sure about the age but) heres a picture of the car. Google Image Result for http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Kd6Zp_4e1e0/S_JqAbVVoyI/AAAAAAAAAtc/fEe1_ARmCKs/s1600/1.jpg
Google Image Result for http://www.autorivals.net/sedans/2011jettavs2010jetta/2010jetta-sr.jpg
heres a picture of the door switch but no metal showing
Google Image Result for http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j211/turbo-paul/Jetta%2520MkVI%2520Training/JettaVItraining015.jpg
im sure some of you have seen the back of a door switch on cars and or trucks. some of the switches have copper(i think:confused: ) but this jetta switch was gold. i know the different between copper and gold and it was gold color.
so am i right or do you know for sure its not... i'll post picture monday.![]()