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Counter weights

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  1. #1
    KMR is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Counter weights

    Hello All,

    I don't know what direction to go. I have 6 counter weights from a tractor that are lead encased with steel. I don't know if I should try removing the lead from the case or ship it as it is. They weigh about 500 lbs a piece.. Any tricks to make this lead slide out... The top is open and the sides and bottom are encased


  2. #2
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    Propane torch, a grate, 55 gallon drum. Figure it out. Melt it out if you want it out that bad or sell it as irony lead. It might get the same price as a steel encased lead battery. Maybe 15 to 20 cents a lb.

  3. #3
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Call around to diffrant yards and ask if they will buy it as is and what they will pay. A core buyer might buy it as is also.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by KMR View Post
    Hello All,

    I don't know what direction to go. I have 6 counter weights from a tractor that are lead encased with steel. I don't know if I should try removing the lead from the case or ship it as it is. They weigh about 500 lbs a piece.. Any tricks to make this lead slide out... The top is open and the sides and bottom are encased

    There should be tabs on it to torch and it should fall out after you torch the tabs off. Do not melt it out with a torch unless you already have lung cancer because that is a good way too shorten your life.

    Some scrap places also buy them at a wheel weight price

    just depends on how much time you wanna spend, i'd turn as fast as i could then you could be out there making more money and not monkeying around with some counter weights.

  5. #5
    mrbillbus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Go to this forum:

    Cast Boolits - Dedicated To The World Of Cast Bullets!

    There are guys on there all over the country looking for what you have. They regularly pay up to $1 per pound for reclaimed lead ingots. Some will buy it from you as is for 40-50 cents a pound. Lead should never go to a scrap yard when there are bullet casters out there willing to pay you more.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbillbus View Post
    Go to this forum:

    Cast Boolits - Dedicated To The World Of Cast Bullets!

    There are guys on there all over the country looking for what you have. They regularly pay up to $1 per pound for reclaimed lead ingots. Some will buy it from you as is for 40-50 cents a pound. Lead should never go to a scrap yard when there are bullet casters out there willing to pay you more.

    Yeah but you have to think about your health when you are considering melting lead out of a counterweight and time it would take. Remember time is money and you could be scrapping soimething that is fast and easy and putting money in your pocket. A bullet caster isn't gonna buy a counterweight from you and then you have to think about tracking one down if you make ingots.

  7. #7
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Yea i wouldnt take a torch anywhere near lead. A grinder or cut off saw would be a better option but is still going to make the lead dust airborne so use the correct respirator and cartridges.

  8. #8
    KMR is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    These had no tabs on them. I was able to get .45 lb for them after some haggling at my yard. Thanks for all the tips except the one that gives me lung cancer:/ I will usually wear a scba if I am torching anything nasty like lead or copper.


  9. #9
    mrbillbus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    What kind of torch are we talking? A cutting torch can vaporize lead. A propane torch will melt lead. Not a problem. Lead melts at a little over 600 degrees. The biggest risk is getting burned.

    The lead projectile has been in use for hundreds of years. Prior to the industrial revolution most were cast by the shooter himself. Check that forum out again and see how many folks are actively melting down lead alloys to cast bullets. Your local sporting goods store even encourages this "dangerous" activity by selling all sorts of equipment for the hobby.

    As to my other post, I was giving options as to where a scrapper could market a large quantity of lead. Trust me those guys have the cash to buy it if you want to take the time to work with them. One group is bidding on 6600 lbs of government surplus lead. I have no doubt that you could have found a buyer for your counterweights. That said, your 45 cents a pound was a good deal for you. Very nice deal.


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  11. #10
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    Nice thats what wheel are going for, atleast for a nice amount from a tire shop.

    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    Yea i wouldnt take a torch anywhere near lead. A grinder or cut off saw would be a better option but is still going to make the lead dust airborne so use the correct respirator and cartridges.

  12. #11
    mrbillbus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I am getting wheel weights from my nephew for 25 cents a pound. After sorting out the zinc and steel weights, I melt the lead ones down into clean ingots and sell them for $1 a pound. The dross, zinc weights, steel weights and steel clips go to the scrap yard.


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