If you live in the northeast DFW metro area, my advice would be to just give up, you can't make any money at it.
I kid... My one single best piece of advice is to dress sharp, and head to a couple of thrift-resale stores. The kind where people drop off their garage sale leftovers & other stuff they don't want anymore. Talk to the receiving manager & tell him what you're looking to do and EMPHASIZE the benefit to him in keeping all the bulky stuff you take from filling up his dumpsters. THAT IS CRITICAL. (of course, then YOU have to find another place to dispose of it, but one problem at a time). Tell him you want anything that they're going to throw away that has a power cord or is made of metal. That simple. You'll get more vacuum cleaners than you'll ever want. You'll get TVs, VCRs, DVRs (watch for big SATA harddrives in those). One thing, though: DO NOT TURN DOWN anything they want to give you. You might not want that walmart coffeepot. It's worth nothing but the cord. Then you have to dispose of it. It's a PITA. Take it anyway. Then, one day when you least expect it, you'll be there making your daily pickup (yes, EVERY DAY... DON'T MISS ONE!!!) and the guy will say, "Hey, you said you were looking for computers?" And you'll say, "Yes sir, sure am!" And he'll say well such-and-such business/church/school/whatever just called & they have 5, or 10, or 50+ old PCs they want to donate. Can you go get them?
And that's just one idea.
It goes without saying to get yourself some professional looking cards, too. Feel free to use
mine as a template if you like.