im wondering how much copper they have in them? or just bulk steel. i found one that was made in the ninties that must weigh at least 200-300 pounds. Though i dont know if there is a e-waster buyer in my town that buys things like that here in town.
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im wondering how much copper they have in them? or just bulk steel. i found one that was made in the ninties that must weigh at least 200-300 pounds. Though i dont know if there is a e-waster buyer in my town that buys things like that here in town.
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My yard will take them whole as shred. So i cut the power cord pull out the high grade boards from the side panel and shred the rest.
they have some decent motors in em too, but removed lots of plastic getting there. Probly best what PTS says. Also best to charge for removal, especially if stairs are involved. Also check for toner type, some have liquid toner in an open top reservoir which can easily get spilled, and is slimy as ______(fill in the blank ; )
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Old copiers have huge power supplys, the high voltage sort & lots of motors & gears & metal.
I'd love to scrap another one down. Just be wary of the selenium drum (a real danger of poisoning even if you just touch it once) & toner.
Though you probably know about the toner......
Yeah, modern ones are 90% plastic whith a few nice boards in them. Can't remember what the boards were like in the old machines.
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Well, I know one thing, I just got Myself a Printer press, weighs in at 2754lbs... tons of metal, and lots of al, motors, wires, brass, micro switches. stainless steel and lots of goodies.. So Yeah.. break them down.. oh.. a 1 watt laser, and tons of high grades boards, along with circuit breakers, 40 amp plus. just wires out of this machine weighed in at 115lbs. Primo.. Baby Primo..
Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
also our Prices are listed here
PC Scrappers LLC
623 S LYON ST SUUTE 200Sioux Falls, SD 57104
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Do not break that in your house, you will have toner all over the place and it is not easy to clean up. If you get toner on you or anything else do not wash it with hot water the toner is heat actavated. My yard won't take coppiers with toner in them, toxic.
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I got 'given' four Canon industrial photocopiers a few weeks ago.
Scrapped one of them down.
Its a box of motors, a couple of big PCB boards, a sparse power supply, a bundle of small plastic coated wire, a dozen Steel shafts, a wheelie bin of plastic once its been cut up, a bunch of Lasery stuff and mirrors, three bright colours and a dark one, a handful of Stainless Steel strips, a wheelbarrow full of sheet metal and 1649 screws.
Last edited by eesakiwi; 01-26-2018 at 03:53 AM.
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i think it depends on how much time/work you have to do
sometimes i dont strip printers much-i just remove power cords & any non ferrous & boards that i can easily reach & sometimes i strip it down to the last screw.
the older printers tend to have more steel& non ferrous but no good boards while in the newer ones, sometimes its just the board thats really valuable since those printers are made out of mostly plastic.
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