Alright, so I guess I will give an update. I ended up going out there today on short notice and got to take a good look at the doors. They are approx 10' (had some 8' wood posts nearby and walked it out basically) wide and about 12' tall. They are made of tin for the most part, and some of the rail sections are made of extruded aluminum. Anyway, I emailed the maintenance manager and he wants to strip it for parts or potentially use the doors somewhere else. I honestly have no idea what is usable on them, but at least I have my foot in the door. I'm actually kind of glad they are 10' wide because that means that I can toss them on my trailer and strap down and go, rather than cutting them up and having to deal with the springs. Anyway, I here are some pics:
As you can see, the spring cover has been removed so they could remove the rest of the sheet metal that surrounded the spring. The main axle is bent and warped. All three are basically the same.
Pile of sheet metal from the doors. It's all galvanized tin so it will go as shred if I do end up getting the doors.