Any body know what to do with Xmas lights?
Any body know what to do with Xmas lights?
I imagine scrap them as insulated wire.
If they work, try selling them at a bit above scrapping price on craigslist or maybe eBay. If they don't work, scrap them.
Ok. Would you cut the bulbs an sockets off and whats insulated wire go for?
Call the scrap yard and see if it matters whether you cut off the bulbs and such. I'm pretty sure insulated wire goes for about 30- 40 cents per pound
I just got $1.00 apound for them with bulbs cutt off
My scrap yard realized there is not as much wire in them as most insulated wire. I was getting .50 a lb for christmas lights then last week they dropped it to .10
Ouch that sucks. I have a container with a bunch of wire that I am not gonna deal with as they are smaller wires in diameter and would just be a pain in the rear to strip them. I have a box of x mas lights that I picked out of my yard when we got hit by the tornado. I think everyone had their lights stripped off there property and tossed them into my yard. Although some had decent thickness to them and easy to strip, most are gonna be a nightmare to work on cause of size.
I pull the lights out and pull the 2 pieces of brass out then burn the wire or sell it insulated. Try it you'll be suprised how fast you can strip one.
I get .65 a pound for my christm wire insulated
Check with your yard, each one is diffrant. I deal with three yards in my area, one wants the bulbs taken out and pays 10 cents per lbs. Yard #2 wants the sockets cut off and pays 50 cents for the wire, #3 takes them with the bulbs still in and pays 30 cents per lbs. I sell mine to yard #3, less work, saves my hands, plus when you cut the sockets off your lossing a lot of wieght.
With the bulbs and sockets off my yard buys as #2 ins. which was 1.10 the other day. My new yard told me that burnt copper is considered "dirty" copper at a reduced price, so your hurting your own pocket by burning in addition to health issues, EPA, etc.
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