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Bathroom Sink... Cast iron or no?

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  1. #1
    beedubz started this thread.
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    Bathroom Sink... Cast iron or no?

    I have a bathroom sink that came with a load of scrap. It's white and I assumed it was porcelain but after doing some quick research it appears to be more likely that it's cast iron or stell with an enamel coating. I tried the magnet test and got nothing, not even a weak draw. Do pure porcelain sinks exist? If it's enamel coated can I sell it at a scrap yard? If it's non-metal i'm gonna put it on craigslist since it's still got the SS faucet attached and then if no buys i'll have to remove the faucet and take the sledge hammer to it.

    Any input is appreciated as usual!

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  2. #2
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    Most are solid porcelain. Hit it with a hammer. If it breaks and is white all the way through, its porcelain, if it doesn't break it's not. Be careful though as broken porcelain is extremely sharp and cuts worse than razor blades.

  3. #3
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    Also, as far as my yard is concerned, sink faucets are brass.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Should be plain cast iron on the underside but a magnet will draw to cast iron. The key word there is iron.

    My guess is porcelain, possibly with a brass or cast faucet.
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  5. #5
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    Most are stamped steel or cast iron coated with porcelain. Or they are some type of resin. The resin ones are easy to tell. Rarely you will find an entirely ceramic sink, as they are very expensive.

    Two suggestions:
    1. If you find a ceramic sink (I'm not just talking about a bowl, but the whole sink unit), clean it and try to sell it. You may be surprised with what you end up with. People that are rehabbing old homes will pay a fortune for them.
    2. There is no need to take a hammer to it. Sell it, scrap it, or curb it. Breaking it only presents a risk of hurting yourself for no benefit.

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    If it was cast iron you would know it, very heavy. I found a cast iron double kitchen sink once and I could hardly get it in my truck, that thing must have wieghed 200lbs. Steel or cast iron the magnet would have stuck. If it's very light it would be plastic or fiberglass.

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