Wife makes mittens, purses, scarves, sure she could a sweater..haha! I should get her a seller spot in the shop for all you guys that need to win your way back in the house after being kicked to the dog house after you took up all her space with your "junk". ;)
She makes a lot of things actually, way to much for me to list! I keep telling her to try an open her own shop, but we like the hotel discount when we travel. lol.
Sirscrapalot - Sitting on the dock of the..err..ocean..
Living in the south, winter tends to be my busiest time. I think people clean out their houses while homebound, and are too busy with outdoor fun during the summer to worry about upgrading their appliances and electronics.
Winter for me is a lot busier than summer. would I rather do scrap in the summer while I get a tan? you bet. Even with stuff being cold, if you have the right heaters, block heaters ect. you can get the equipment working in the winter and make the money fall in your pockets. As far as stuff frozen down, that's where a m35a2 comes in real handy, then go back with the flatbed and load up. The thing I have always liked about winter is the people around here complain, piss, moan about the weather and don't show up, I am out there in the elements picking up the stuff the people don't want in their yards or by their business's, and that makes me the better guy. Ultimately I get a lot more stuff and people remember that for the next time. Not my fault people give perfectly good scrap away!
Well I think the weather folks here are just trying to out-do each other -40 windchill? Really.. The local fox station said possibly -55 windchill.. Let's just go for broke -100 windchill. OY!
I just called my weatherwatch. Guy's exact words: "A look at monday: sunny but a bit cooler, a daytime high expected of only 58 degrees". Any lower than that and its too cold for me to go scrapping. I love new mexico the only way I'm leaving is in a box
lol...that's how I feel about my sandbar. An Tucson when I was there, but i left before I was in a box.
Sirscrapalot - Scraps in all weather, usually.
Ya know there should be a "Warm sunny and sandy beach" Group. And then a "The real world cold hard arse scrapper" Group!
Hey hey, I scrap in the cold, unlike Doya!
Sirscrapalot - Would throw a snowball at Sledge if he had snow.
And another section for the guys that will go scrap when its 115 with no cloud cover. In nothing but short shorts cowboy boots and a glistening layer of sweat/manliness
That was an image I coulda done without. lol.
I get to be in both groups! Yey!
Sirscrapalot - Will take a 115 Tucson day any day of the week over a 85 east coast summer day. Bonus quote : It's a dry heat!
I'm just yankin your chain I don't wear short shorts and boots. Its usually yellow flower print swim trunks and boots haha. I'm young enough I can get away with running around half naked as long as the wife don't catch any rukas staring. Back to the subject of weather though, its been as low as 20 here lately which is horrible for us. I would hate to be up north you yanks got it rough
Snow is just as good as piles of scrap. In my state here it is white gold i make just as much plowing as i do scrapping. just got to work with what you got. But scrap is alot slower in the winter i find.