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More money for more volume

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  1. #1
    mikenofx2000 started this thread.
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    More money for more volume

    I know that if you are a regular customer that brings in a lot of scrap some scrapyards will pay you more than someone who brings in scrap once a month. So my question is, What does it take to get a higher rate? More or less talking non ferrous metals, how many lbs of aluminum would it take to get a better price? 1500? What about copper,brass, etc etc. Have you ever gotten a better rate with just one large load as opposed to loads every week.

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  3. #2
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikenofx2000 View Post
    I know that if you are a regular customer that brings in a lot of scrap some scrapyards will pay you more than someone who brings in scrap once a month. So my question is, What does it take to get a higher rate? More or less talking non ferrous metals, how many lbs of aluminum would it take to get a better price? 1500? What about copper,brass, etc etc. Have you ever gotten a better rate with just one large load as opposed to loads every week.
    Our shop get 10-20 bucks above what the public gets for scrap cars. We take them in irregularly, but bring them all exclusively to them. I think thats kind of an inventive they give us to gain our business. And it works!
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

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  5. #3
    MetalEarthRecycling's Avatar
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    One of the best advantages from my experience is getting to know as many workers at the yard as you can.
    Once you Befreind certain people they will like it when you come in. The special price list isnt always given to those that bring alot of material regularly, But to the Honest, easy to deal with, likeable vendors.

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  7. #4
    Mick's Avatar
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    Depends on your yard. I've gotten pricing based on volume of a single load.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  9. #5
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MetalEarthRecycling View Post
    One of the best advantages from my experience is getting to know as many workers at the yard as you can.
    Once you Befreind certain people they will like it when you come in. The special price list isnt always given to those that bring alot of material regularly, But to the Honest, easy to deal with, likeable vendors.
    I agree. First I would ask your yard what the expectation is for business prices. Each yard is different and some managers do not have flexibility. Second be willing to negotiate. I already get a business rate, but sometimes they will look at a load before it is weighed. Thirdly, get to know the employees. When I first go to a yard, I meet the manager, and ask to be given a tour by each of their specialist in the yard. They love sharing their knowledge and I ask plenty of questions. About once a month I bring in goodies to the yard and leave them in the office. The secretaries and manager enjoy telling the yard hands someone appreciates their work. Lastly I have a cooler of pop and offer one to whoever unloads my trailer. The employees talk.

    The manager knows the employees are happy to see me so he is happy to see me. The real benefit is not in better prices. They make extra efforts not to damage my equipment, will help me unchain a load, and bring forklifts or loaders to the parking lot if the yard is muddy. Building relationships and treating others with respect will get you better prices and other benefits.

    I am using this strategy with three large metal buyers on my new project. I have already seen benefits from it and expect more.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 01-17-2014 at 04:26 AM.

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  11. #6
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    I have flat out asked "how much do I need to bring in to get a better rate?" I don't ask questions like that in front of others but privately with the manager or owner. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  13. #7
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    I wouldnt expect a better price until you get a business account. Every yard is different.

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  15. #8
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    Once i was given the employees pricelist that shows them what to pay. On non ferrous the better pricing Started at 100#'s or more. This was a large Scrap company with several locations in several states.

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  17. #9
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I used the same yard for 10+ years. Bringing in 100+ pounds copper and brass as we filled them. Usually 2 to 3 months intervals, always in a company truck. Treating like anybody else, might as well been mixed steel. Three years ago started scraping and recycling contents of dumpsters from managed properties. First we broke things down maybe 10 or less categories. Place I been going to for years, now getting what I always took, but even more copper and brass. He's also getting CRV cans, plastic, glass, aluminum, steel and we are bringing it about every two week now. After six months of his $h*t, I went shopping for new yard, I tried three different yards in a row, two of three gave me a better price (first time they ever saw me). Manager of one approached me first time, asked about brass and copper, asked if I was a commercial operation. We exchanged cards, did not get prefered rate, he did give me advice. Call him before I come in next time, divided my copper in to at least two grades and same for brass. Told me about aluminum grades and steel and said he would waiver any 30 day holds today. I used this yard for the next four months, went to get paid at cashier window, lady asked if I could come around back to office. They had forms wanted me to sign for a commercial account, estimated minimum loads, grading and who else might be bringing loads for company. My point is shop around, if you are doing the volume for a commercial rate, a good yard well notice you. I kept trying to learn more prior to commercial accounts, made a better effort to distinguish myself and company. Even though this new yard has treated me good, I looked for others and still do. I now have established a second commercial account, this yard pays me better for Aluminum and a little more for insulated wire. The manager of first account noticed after two months, we were not bring him aluminum. He called me, asked what's happening with your aluminum. I was honest with him, told rates, grades and who the buying yard was. He said he would look at my aluminum history and call me back. He did, less than a hour, our weights were good and increasing, but he could not beat new rates. I told him it's about sorting grades, new buyer needs it broken into 5 and even 7 grades, paying me at 3 or 4 rates. He was only doing 3 at 3 rates, he was honest, that's what his buyer needed. I plan to give this guy the bulk of my stuff, I like everything about how they operate, most important he gives service! The second yard gets my aluminum and sometimes the insulated wire. The two yards are pennies apart except with aluminum, they are nickels and dimes apart. Study how your yards work that makes a difference too. The second yard has prioritized aluminum, buying and selling a far greater volume than anybody around me. They have dedicated more than half of facility to handle just aluminum, didn't notice that for first couple of sales. Now it's obvious why he can pay more. Once your able to do the volume and frequency they will notice you. That alone still may not get you a commercial account, you have to also demonstrate a commitment to be around for awhile and present (grade) your materiel. Licenses and Professional presents are big thing too! At the very least have a business card if your seeking commercial account. That first yard is never going to see me again, 10 years he could have told me about grades of copper and brass. I was always happy with that money, now know how much I should have been getting. His greed is his loss now!
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 01-17-2014 at 11:56 AM.

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  19. #10
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    I would talk to the yard owner or manager. Tell them what you can bring them. Usually you will get more for what you have if you speak up. The squeaky wheel gets the oil

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  21. #11
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    I take several loads a month to my yard and I always email the mgr. a few days before I go to get current prices. The scale operator has no flexibility and if you don't ask ahead of time you'll just get the "off the street" prices that are about 20-30% lower than the proper rate. It pays to form a relationship w/ management and show you're a loyal customer and always have your material sorted properly.

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  23. #12
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    I was offered $15 a ton bonus on prepared and unprepared iron after I started showing up regularly. I knew the yard paid a bonus to regulars so expected it to happen. Precious metals are the same as anyone else so I shop around for better pricing on those. They also cut me alot of slack in other ways. A yardman swept off my trailer a few times because "The DOT is hanging around". Those yardmen appreciate tips too.....and they like sweets. I'm 50 miles from there and try to take a 2-3 ton load everyday unless I'm making music somewhere. I get advice on my musical abilities also.

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  25. #13
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    An option is to just save up the metal & when you have a largish amount, call the scrapper & tell them what you have & that you are adding to it.

    Now, one day the scrappers gonna get a phone call from someone who needs a few tons or metal to fulfull a contract. Thats when they will pay you wayyy more than the normal price.
    Ie to get a contract that will get them good $$, they willbe prepared to loose a few $$ to the person who gets them the amount of scrap they need to win the contract.

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  27. #14
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    I told the yard owner i was coming from 45 miles away and he instantly bumped up my prices not a lot but enough.
    he see's all that steel i bring in he must wonder about the non ferrous
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  29. #15
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    I save up large loads and tend to get 20% more on most items.

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  31. #16
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    I sometimes get better pricing. I'm a regular customer so the owner and employees know me. If I have a larger amount of something, I call the owner ahead, and usually we can negotiate a better price, usually I get this with various types of ewaste or non-ferrous. Last time I had about 1300 lbs of power supplies, called ahead and got a better price. The owner wasn't there but the cashier already knew that I am coming, and gave me the agreed price. At this yard it seems if you have over about 1000 lbs of one type of non-ferrous material, they will negotiate, if you ask.

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