Break down in your driveway/parking lot/storage place. ain't trying to be a jerk here bud, but your being foolish to just scrap it whole. if they work resell, your in HI surely there are construction companies that could use them, hotels looking for a back up, Private folks looking for one, etc. Worse break it down, get the copper, sell both to your yard, an profit like crazy.

I'd dig around for threads on scrapping generators. I recall someone saying they were a good thing, I could be thinking of the thread on breaking down a welding machine..I dunno. I've read lots of threads. lol.
Find a place even it means dropping 30 bucks for a tiny storage bin, an doing it outside your bin. I just can't see giving a yard that many goodies for the price of shred. I'd have to punch myself in the face for doing that. I hate letting them have anything extra. lol. Ah, you gotta do whats best for you, I reckon. as I like to say..there is no wrong way to scrap things, as long as your maximizing your profit an time.
Either way, good luck with it, an let us know how it turns out for you.
Sirscrapalot - Dear Brasscatcher, you now owe me several beverages. Just saying.