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  1. #1
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    If this has been covered i apologize I have no desire to dig through the hundreds of posts that will pop up if i type barrels in the search bar.

    Well. Out on my in laws ranch land there are about 30 fifty five gallon barrels. Before anyone suggests using that one guys list and selling them to ranchers, they arent the kind with the snap on lid and most have holes cut in the side or bottoms. I believe i was told a lady that used to rent a few acres used them for doghouses for her (probably illegal) side business of kenneling dogs for people.

    Anywho, next time we cook a goat i plan on using the backhoe that we will have out there to smash all the barrels flat and load them that way. But it could be awhile we're more interested in the pigs turkeys etc we got growin out there.

    If anyone has an idea for a time and space efficient way to haul 30 barrels with a full size truck and a 12 foot trailer, please help me out. Ive considered using the torch to cut off the bottom then run them over to make them flat, but the cost of fuel for cutting so many barrels makes that not a smart decision. Same goes for angle grinder sawzall circular saw etc. I could cave in one side near the bottom with my sledge then fold them over but thats a lot of hammering for so little money. On the other hand i also swing a hammer all day at work so by the time im off thats the last thing i want to do.

    Any suggestions for how to get these hauled away short of waiting for the next goat?

  2. #2

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    If they have holes and are empty just stack and dump/scrap. 2 maybe 3 loads. Strap that load. 1scrap.

  3. #3
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    i should have mentioned shred is .02 a pound local i have to drive 43 miles to get .06 so if i cant haul it all at once not worth it.

  4. #4

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    OMG where are you ? Take a picture and put on cl maybe a animal keeper can use. Wow at those prices I'd plant trees in each . Wow I have no ideas. That's a tough one.

  5. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Don't wait for just a goat, do a pig!

    Can they be cleaned up an used for another purpose, such as plate welded on an turned into a homemade smoker/cooker/etc.? Maybe check your local are for any crafters that could use them for something, an let them worry about cutting them up? Probably silly ideas, but figure..better then nothing.

    You could make the barrel version of Burning Man. Ha ha!

    An seriously goat? I might have to add your spot on my grand tour with the cooler..I've never had goat. Goat cheese

    Sirscrapalot - Will try most food once...usually.

  6. #6
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Bleh, sorry for the double post...just saw Steel's other reply. He has a good point, any other folks near by with animals/ If used as a kennel maybe someone has a use for something similar, an legal, heh. Thinking you could maybe patch the holes an figure something out. Then again..maybe not. I could see it for a feeder for something, or a play area/agility type thing for dogs. Think a gerbil/hamster tube, but for dogs. Assuming the ends, or other holes are big enough for such a thing.

    Just more ideas. Don't thank me tho, Steel is the one that made me think of the last part.

    Good luck an maybe some pictures if you get a chance will help us give you ideas.

    Sirscrapalot - Double post, double smack on the hand..just be gentle.

  7. #7
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    i wish i could post pictures. i am the most technilogically stupid 23 year old you will ever meet. im on a smart phone with the mobile app and despite hours of trial and error cannot figger it out.

    i've still taken pics of the majority of my loads though, so when i do either figure it out or get a desktop im posting a ketchup thread that will make your head spin.

    Just picture youre average liquid purposed barrel. Two small holes in top one to pour one for vent. that part is completely cut off so open on that end no lip around edge to snap a lid on. then on one side a 1 foot by 1 foot square hole cut out. same on bottom.

    Blacksteel, thats a great idea. Even though thats what they were used for i didnt even think of reselling them as doghouses I will put a few on that one guys list in the morning. I rescind my vote for you to leave the island, you have proved your ability to be coherent.

    Senor scraps a bunch- i would totally throw a pig in the pit but me my dad and my daughter all love bacon WAY too much. if you really ever do wind up in SE new mexico or west texas though let me know and we'll kill/eat stuff. I will keep the cooler well stocked just in case bud.

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  9. #8
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    ... I've seen people lay them down lengthwise and carve out the top part, like slice a "U" notch out of the length, attach some supports or legs, and then use them for feed troughs. Not sure if you could sell them... but that could sure make them useful for farmers? Maybe sell them cheap like that? Looked similar to what's at the bottom of this page...

    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

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  11. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Leave it to Red to explain it better then I could!

    Excellent idea if possible. An doya..I'll take ya up on it. NM is on the way to AZ, an further points in the sw/w that I like to visit. NM is a beautiful I have a strange desire to try a buffalo steak..stupid road signs on 40. I think it was 40...I was tired on that stretch of the drive.

    an I never noticed that you always posted from the phone! Someone get this man a tower! I'd send you this laptop but I'm not that mean.

    Sirscrapalot - Liked New Mexico, an likes the desert..yes I'm strange.

  12. #10
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    they would still work good for feeding hay but due to the top part being cut off one end would spill when feeding grain. now having been around horses all my life i realize this is not a big deal but im sure the ranchers would rather buy barrels with both ends on them. As for making a grill or cooker, no way. We have 6 to 12 to 24 inch casing from the oilfield in abundance so theres no way we would use a barrel to make a smoker. the grills we weld from these casings fetch hundreds or even a grand for the ones that we weld permanently to trailers. i doubt anyone around here would want a barrel grill it pales in comparison to that haha

  13. #11
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    double to the post but its my thread and im about 120 oz into the cooler so what the hay. sir, dont go for the buffalo steak its over rated. my mother is from baton rouge so ive had both mexican and cajun and i have to say mexican is the way to go! unless we are talking sweet and sour shrimp. thats heaven on a plate haha

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  15. #12
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Ha ha. Love mexican. Spent 10 years in Tucson, 2 hours from the border I think it was. Hobo can correct me if I misremember. An I agree on the bacon.

    An on the buffalo...I just saw signs everywhere on I40 I think it was, outside all the casinos. An after driving 12 hours, a buffalo steak for 8 bucks sounds great.

    Anyhow, sorry for derailing,, coolers, an the was bound to happen. Ha ha!

    I'll turn the thread now back over to barrels. Give'm some more ideas folks!

    Sirscrapalot - Hijacking threads like he was Jesse James.

  16. #13
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    I haven't worked out the math, but instead of standing them upright, what if you lay them on their side, pyramid them and strap them down tight?

  17. #14
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    I just took a few measurements erewen. looks i can make about 12 fit on my trailer like that as for the truck bed idunno. that was my first idea and may be what i wind up doing if i can find some real heavy stuff to jam in there to make it worth it. im also gonna see about borrowing a bigger trailer from a buddy today. thanks for your replies everyone

  18. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    ... I've seen people lay them down lengthwise and carve out the top part, like slice a "U" notch out of the length, attach some supports or legs, and then use them for feed troughs. Not sure if you could sell them... but that could sure make them useful for farmers? Maybe sell them cheap like that? Looked similar to what's at the bottom of this page...

    I've raised cattle all my life and still do and ironically, I've seen cattle drink from their own footprints or from a low spot after a rain or during spring thaw instead of walk a few feet to the water tank. The water can appear to be putrid and they'll still do it. The article "In the Field" cited is good general advice to animal husbandry, but quite often the animals will do things to confound the wise (us). I still wonder why dogs will roll on a dead skunk or rabbit and eat cow manure.

  19. #16
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    I woulda thought unless they are really heavy barrels you should be able to punch them a few times with the hoe to flatten them enough to get all 30 on without a lot of trouble. Although they sure won't pile as nicely as leaving them nice and round...

    Bit of a headscratcher, all right, there's not enough weight there to be able to put a lot of time into it but if you can get them all in one trip you'll have gas money and enough for beer and food fixin's for a great time with the folks!


  20. #17
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    If you just don't want to bother with them but still want them gone you could put them on Craigs List for free and they would probably be gone that same day. Just my 2 cents.

    As for the buffalo steak I would have to try it.

  21. #18

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    Honestly if me ! I'd give my sledge hammer a work out . Dent both ends and stomp. That's how I do most then stack interlocking. Any passers by will beg to pound a few. I make work look fun and people beg to help. Just remember your responsible for any that does. Lest you forget. Brain and brawn.

  22. #19
    doyousmellit started this thread.
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    ive considering busting out the 10 pound wrench because im fairly certain it will work. Then again i swing a hammer at work so i get pretty burnt out on that. i might just wait for the backhoe. im gonna go smack one though see how much effort it takes. im a pretty strong young guy so it shouldnt be too rough

  23. #20
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Swing batta battta swiiiiing!

    Just pretend it's someone you don't like, or something. Ha ha!

    Sirscrapalot - Wants bacon everytime he reads this thread.

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