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Need help with finding long term suppliers

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  1. #1
    Maiwand started this thread.
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    Need help with finding long term suppliers

    Hello everyone, this would be my second post. I am trying to find long term computer scrap suppliers, but I am having a hard time due to large number of scammers. Is there a website where most of you go to check out if they are legit or not? Of course I do use common sense, but I want to use a faster system so that I don't waste my time. Additionally is there another forum that you have subscribed to that has been helpful in finding good suppliers. I have noticed that a lot of the websites that I visit to find suppliers are outdated or have limited traffic. All help is much appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    i have been lucky i reckon,,ive not had one person try to scam me since i have started the whole e waste thing....keep in mind i have only been at it a year...i started out with friends and family as my suppliers...and slowly but surely word got some times i wake up with a nice pile of stuff in front of my building, and i dont even know who dropped it off..

    after friends and family i started doing every auction that was close enough for me to drive to and not lose my hind end on the gas money side...then i just done the same thing i did with regular metal many years ago...i thought of places that used computers and started asking them about there scrap...i got alot of ," well i already got a guy" at first....but after i had some cards made ( free of charge thanks to my sister who works at a college ) i started having luck...

    i now get all the used electronics from my local courthouse and one of the local library's....i had my sister print me up some legally worded papers guaranteeing i would destroy all hard drives and any thing containing any private information that i would be removing from a business....after doing those two things i now have 3 places that give me lots of stuff a couple times a year...

    i also can go to one of my local junk yards and i am allowed to strip anything i want in the yard for 20 to 30 cents per pound...i tried this with 3 yards total and it only worked at 1...the other 2 places only let me do it once or of them even tried to do escrap there selves after asking me a bunch of questions about what i was doing....they failed miserably though. they were buying all circuit boards for 45 cents per pound..they quit buying after selling there first load. i think they bought to much low grade for high prices not knowing what they were doing...

    anyhow my best advice is, friends and family, auctions, junk yards, and also get business cards and start talking to librarys and other offices and places that use a lot of computers

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    anyhow my best advice is, friends and family, auctions, junk yards, and also get business cards and start talking to librarys and other offices and places that use a lot of computers
    Yep, networking with anyone and everyone you know or meet, handing out cards, never know who's sitting on the next big batch of electronics.
    If you know someone going to college then have them network for you as every "kid" has multiple electronic devices. Some of the geeks are always rebuilding their computers.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  6. #4
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling Maiwand is looking for large suppliers - not pickups from businesses and whatnot. More like containers full.

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  8. #5
    Maiwand started this thread.
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    @wadarbr59 Thank you for your advice. However I am looking for suppliers for a company overseas. Although I could start my own business and start from scratch. I was surprised the other day when a local dealer had 1 ton of computer scrap, however she wanted cash only and was only going to deal locally. I don't personally know enough in the business to dive right in it. That is why I am working for this company so that I could learn a bit about the business before trying it out on my own.

  9. #6
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Maiwand - You're going to have to target scrap yards and recyclers themselves...places that accumulate these. Also you will have to offer substantially more than what they are already getting out of their scrap. Plus, you will more than likely have to pay upfront. Places that deal in large volumes already have a system in place to sell the scrap, so there has to be a reason to change. You should be willing to pay on delivery for the material especially since this company is out of the country. If you are wanting to pay for the material some time after it arrives at the company you are working for, you are essentially asking the seller to extend you a line of credit. Why would they do this?
    Last edited by ryanw; 03-27-2014 at 08:20 AM.

  10. #7
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    offer us $10lb on mobo's and you will never run out lol

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  12. #8
    Maiwand started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    Maiwand - You're going to have to target scrap yards and recyclers themselves...places that accumulate these. Also you will have to offer substantially more than what they are already getting out of their scrap. Plus, you will more than likely have to pay upfront. Places that deal in large volumes already have a system in place to sell the scrap, so there has to be a reason to change. You should be willing to pay on delivery for the material especially since this company is out of the country. If you are wanting to pay for the material some time after it arrives at the company you are working for, you are essentially asking the seller to extend you a line of credit. Why would they do this?
    You are right. I am thinking that once I get a steady income coming in. Then I will go ahead and start the business on my own and pay them. Although I don't know if I would pay cash since I would not be able to put it as a tax deductible or can I. I am getting ahead of myself, but I get what you are saying. Why would they do business internationally when they could do it locally.

  13. #9
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    The info you are looking for is free! Do some research. Seek and yea shall find.

  14. #10
    Maiwand started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    The info you are looking for is free! Do some research. Seek and yea shall find.
    I started doing some searching and behold something that I found out. I think I might be setting myself up as the 3rd person in this scenario as I have been trying to find a supplier and buyer for a person without getting paid. I am going to go ask for some type of payment for my time or I will just come back here and set up a deal with one of the bigger companies to get some sort of compensation.

    Thanks everyone I didn't want to be a free loader, so here I will share the guide with you.
    Last edited by Mick; 03-31-2014 at 08:29 AM. Reason: link deleted as advertising

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