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  1. #41
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    I spent a little time researching Ayn Rand and I found her interesting. I watched a Ayn Rand in two minutes and a few of her interviews.

    I have found that words and their meanings are very vague as they are meant to be. If you pick most any word in a dictionary and follow it through to the other words that are to explain it in greater detail that you most times end up back where you started with no clear meaning.

    I have learned that the words to express and explain myself in detail do not exist. And even with the words that do exist, as they are vague they are pretty much useless as most have no real understanding beyond the facades and superstition that they worship as something far more then it truly is.

    Most believe that "love" is something that it is not as there really is no true love as people believe it to be. It's much like the feelings that a very young child will have over santa and such.

    It's a VAGUE VAGUE VAGUE world in fact. It's that way as the humans want it that way.

    Here it is 2023 and we still have starving people, homeless people, depressed people and on and on.

    Teachers are still having to go on strike as do many other occupations.

    I remember when the talk was the nursing homes and such. The people were being told that the solution was that the nursing homes and such would receive more and the people that lived in them would pay less.

    It's like those that have their "money" in silver and gold investments that are stored in some safe place elsewhere, like under a school desk in a vault, as if a school desk can protect you from the bomb that's where their silver and gold is kept. In a real safe place.

    Remember to duck and cover...

  2. #42
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    I was thinking about how this thread that started with appliances and scooters changed to topics that have nothing to do with appliances and scooters.

    I noticed this a ways back but figured that's the way things go as the thread is moving along.

    I get to where I might start out on one thing around the yard and by the end of the day I have moved around on me travels of the yard much like a dog that starts with chasing a critter and end's up at the end of the day somewhere they didn't plan on. But it was a adventure that made him smile...

  3. #43
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    Personally .... i don't have any particular problem with thread drift. A good conversation can take on a life of it's own.

    The main thing is consideration for others. I've had complaints about wandering off track in the past.

    As for Ayn Rand ? Her energy was pretty intense when she was doing that interview with Mike Wallace. She was horribly self indulgent as an author. Details up the wazoo. I'd recommend avoiding the casual drive by snapshot judgements there CD. She was considered one of the premier American authors & philosophers in the late 1950's & early 60's. Much of the today's Libertarian movement is founded in her work.

    For those not into reading ... the " Atlas Shrugged " trilogy is out on video. I'll tell ya ... that woman was pretty cold around the heart but her philosophy of Objectivism runs true for a lot of people.

    Quote:Rand characterized Objectivism as "a philosophy for living on earth", based on reality, and intended as a method of defining human nature and the nature of the world in which we live


  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post

    Here it is 2023 and we still have starving people, homeless people, depressed people and on and on.

    This is exactly the way it's supposed to be. The world is not even. It never has been.

    It's the natural law of survival of the fittest.

  5. #45
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    I listened to all 3 Ayn Rand interviews with Mike Wallace. You must remember that her books are fiction. She is a writer that likes to write science fiction. It would be like people living as they do in most sci-fi books and movies. It won't work as the superstition, rituals and fantasy and fiction are what gets in the way of most.

    I found many things she said interesting, but I view it as interesting science fiction.

    I'm 100% superstition free and any rituals I do are in fun. I can take them or leave them.

    I've never been a fan of trying to escape into a fantasy and fictional world. That has never interested me.

    What I'm interested in is beyond most peoples thinking as their superstition gets in the way.

  6. #46
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    I grew up during the hippie movement. At a young age I realized that what they believed was the solution was not.

    The rich give to the poor. If that was to happen in truthful reality the poor would use up what the rich had and that would create many problems that would destroy the world. simply put.

    The Social Security system was a good idea when it first started but the Government kept robbing it with the law.

    I have a great understanding of how the law of man is set up. It's very vague and the ones in power decide with a thumbs up or a thumbs down, whatever they believe the sheeple will believe.

    I see it as there is a large round table with those in power sitting at it.

    most are not interested in thinking about getting rid of the table (the magna carta) that causes most problems.

    They want to believe that if they get rid of the table that they will not be able to dream of sitting at the BIG table.
    The laws of this world are still under the magna carta (great charter) in the year 1215.

    They have done to that what they have done to most other things, used it as a base to keep the control and power.

    I have no answer for how to make this world the way that most believe they want.

    I tell people to get to know themselves better and their lives will be better.

    And that anger and hate problem.

  7. #47
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    Ohh dear ... the broken record narrow world view spiel again. All on about fantasy,fiction, and superstition. ( A whack with a 2x4 cross the side of the head for you bud ! )

    You're in error CD. The thing that is outside your limited range of vision is that these fictional stories were written as allegory to demonstrate the core principles of her philosophy.

    Allegory definition:

    a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

    I guess i'll have to be very direct. Do it the easier way and watch the three part Atlas Shrugged movie series. Next ... reflect on the things you learned and tell me that they don't pertain to what's currently going on in the world around us today. Rand was a bit of a visionary that way.

    Orwell's fictional book 1984 was probably one of the best primers on political science ever written. I can see why it was required reading in High School. As a teenager with a teenager's understanding of the world ... it didn't click into place at the time. I wasn't able to appreciate it for what it was until i had a bit more experience in living and then i could see it for what it really was.

  8. #48
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    Your denial is noted.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    Your denial is noted.
    Not for nothing .... but there's a psychological defense mechanism called projection.

    It's a process where you protect your identity & sense of self .... by projecting your faults on to others when your worldview is threatened.

    I've noticed that you do this sometimes. Here's the skinny :

    < shrugs > Anyhow .... go deep next time you're in the groove and keep it real. If something is triggering a defense response then ask yourself why that is .


    I'll really should step back for awhile. It's springtime now. The pace of life is beginning to pick up again. I'm afraid i've been a bit self indulgent as of late. It's fun to shoot the bull on all the philosophical stuff but that's for playtime.

    Spring is the time of year to dig your heels in and get back to work when you live your life by the seasons. It's about time management. The less you talk ... the more your work gets done.

    Best of good fortune my friend.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    Not for nothing .... but there's a psychological defense mechanism called projection.

    It's a process where you protect your identity & sense of self .... by projecting your faults on to others when your worldview is threatened.

    I've noticed that you do this sometimes. Here's the skinny :

    < shrugs > Anyhow .... go deep next time you're in the groove and keep it real. If something is triggering a defense response then ask yourself why that is .


    I'll really should step back for awhile. It's springtime now. The pace of life is beginning to pick up again. I'm afraid i've been a bit self indulgent as of late. It's fun to shoot the bull on all the philosophical stuff but that's for playtime.

    Spring is the time of year to dig your heels in and get back to work when you live your life by the seasons. It's about time management. The less you talk ... the more your work gets done.

    Best of good fortune my friend.
    A backwards world it is, may you get it sorted out so you feel better.

  11. #51
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    I was thinking of all the so called "self help" books that I have hauled home over the years. I myself have never read one as I saw no good reason when there were so many books that I would like to read. I have never been much of a fan of fiction but in what I could learn from the writers view point. I could write better fiction then many as I have a great understanding of the concept. It's not the mind of the writer that feeds the fiction, it is the world and people around them that does. The writer just collects and organizes the story into what they believe the readers want.

    I know very well what many are after with their dreaming. I know how to become rich and powerful, but such things don't interest me as I'm of the few.

    Money is just an illusion as is power.

    So how do you make a illusion a reality?

    Within your minds with what you choose to try and believe.

    A backwards world that believes that if all believe that it will become a reality.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post

    A backwards world that believes that if all believe that it will become a reality.
    Ohh lordie .... we're off on the philosophical stuff again.

    What you're talking about is the commonly held construct of reality. I remember a few years back when the pandemic first started out. A few of the members were strongly of the opinion that Covid-19 was little more than the flu or some kind of a scam. I tried to explain to them that it really didn't matter whether it was real or not.

    As long as most people believe it's real .... then for all intents and purposes ... it is real. Thus came the lockdowns, the masks, the vaccines, the emergency economic stimulus measures, and all that good stuff.

    Anyhoo ... let's give it a rest huh ? This is a scrappers forum. What items are actually worth the time to scrap is a whole germane to the topic at hand than philosophy.

  13. #53
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    in a backwards world people try and put together what shouldn't be and take apart what should be.

  14. #54
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    "The time has come,"the Walrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of shoesand shipsand sealing-wax
    Of cabbagesand kings
    And why the sea is boiling hot
    And whether pigs have wings."
    ( Lewis Carroll )

    Jeez .. i used to hate to hear this when i was 4 years old. It was dad's way of saying " Time for bed little one. "

    I think i'll call it a day. Gotta be up at 4:00 am for work tomorrow.

  15. #55
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    You have to learn to embrace the monsters under your bed and the boogie man in the closet so that you can come to a better understanding of what you fear and why.

    Santa and the easter bunny type concepts are tough to let go of when they are all you have.

    But most do find replacements for their childish beliefs with their peers.

  16. #56
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    * Giggles *

    Now what did i do with that 2x4 ?

    Guess i'll have to head out to the wood pile and pick out just the right one this time. A nice twelve footer ought to do the trick !

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  18. #58
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    Woof !

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  20. #59
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    I was relaxing and reading over this thread. I found it interesting that the world around me is $TRE$$ED and confused and I'm living my childhood dreams and enjoying my so called golden years.

    WHY most people choose to escape into a realm of fantasy and fiction is still something that I can't fully understand, but as time goes by and I gain a better understanding of this world and it's people and critters, I understand more.

    Don't matter if it's a fly on the wall, a cat, dog, other life forms or humans. Some are "smarter" then others.

    .....and we all try and believe that we are smarter then we actually are in fact.

  21. #60
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    They covered that in psych 101 back in High School. Just basic stuff.

    It's called projection. More commonly seen in alcoholic personality disorder and those on the narcissistic personality spectrum. It's a psychological defense mechanism. We're all prone to it ... to one degree or another.

    Easy to recognize in others ..... not so easy to recognize in ourselves if we spend too much time alone and living in our head. It's easy to get lost in there.

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