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My perspective is a bit different CD. I'm getting to be an older guy and i've accumulated a lot of things over the years. I try to do the things that make me happy and live every day as though it were my last. There's really no way of knowing. Today might actually be my last.
Gawd ... i see it all the time. An older fulla dies and his wife & children get stuck doing the cleanout. It's an awful lot of unfinished business / unfinished work to leave as your legacy. Half the time they just scoop it all up into the back of a truck and haul it off to the dump.
Been making a conscious effort to reduce the volume of "stuff " over the last few years as well.
I have had many ask me what will happen to all the stuff I have if I died. I would tell them that when I'm dead I have no use or interest in it anymore.
I have let those I know well know what to do when I'm gone. Now getting sick in a bad way would change everything, but I have a good idea of what I would do then.
I don't put much thought into the things that most others do as most of my thinking is off on another planet as far as most others are concerned.
I have learned in my older age that I can't do as much as I did in the past, but that don't matter much to me as it's the way things go.
I mostly do what I feel like doing, or need to do. I have many projects that need attention, but I just mosey along as I do my work/play in a interesting way.
I don't have a wife and children so I have no responsibility in that area.
In the past when I had dogs I would put thought into what would happen to them if I died. Big part of the reason I don't have dogs anymore. Didn't want the responsibility.
I'm wired VERY differently then most others, always have been. We all live in our own little worlds. My world is just far beyond the worlds of most others understanding, simply put.