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scrap buyers reviews? BBB?

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  1. #1
    scrapme started this thread.
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    scrap buyers reviews? BBB?

    This might not be the appropriate place to post a question, if wrong, mod's please move to correct thread, thanks! Also I wasn't sure what to title this post!!
    I am trying to locate a SMF post that referenced the BBB and a scrap buying business/company. I did click the link days ago and there were quite a few BBB complaints.
    I have searched using "better business bureau," & "complaints." But no results. Wish I had written down the company name when I first happened on the post.
    Does anyone know the post I'm referring to?

    Thanks for any help! Like most everyone here, I am trying to be responsible in where I send my scrap. Maybe this will help someone else as well...??

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    What kind of scrap, that might give us a better clue.
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  4. #3
    scrapme started this thread.
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    Thanks Mechanic688 for be willing to help. I am searching through history on my computer but it appears it only goes back so far. Honestly, I have been reading so fervently here at SMF on all things scrap that I cannot even recall. I do remember maybe cell phones, batteries, etc. It was a mail in company also, in case I wasn't specific. Thanks again for going to the trouble of helping with this quandary!

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    This is a report for CJ Enviromental (aka-cashforelectronicscrapusa, aka cashforgold, aka cashforcellphones, etc). (About 5 different names)

    CJ Environmental, Inc. Review - GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM DEALERS in Sharon, MA - BBB Business Review - BBB serving Eastern Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island and Vermont

    Ripoff Report | Complaint Review Sharon, Massachusetts: 633476

    Well, you got the idea, don't know if this is the one you were referring to or not.

  6. #5
    scrapme started this thread.
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    Think you found it! Also cash for electronic scrap USA- is this another name for CJ environmental?? Believe a SMF post mentioned it being the same.
    Anyway, thanks again, Mechanic688.

    BTW, is there a thread for "sellers beware" to warn new scrappers about negative experiences? They can be difficult to locate (even with searching) once buried in the posts. (At least to me!)

  7. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    That's what aka means, "also known as". No sellers beware forum yet, good idea tho,,,

  8. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    There may be legal implications with that thread.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  9. #8
    scrapme started this thread.
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    Indeed, Olddude you have a point there about legal implications. I try to stay away from commenting on companies unless I make clear that my comments are an opinion and opinion only. I've heard facts can be argued legally, but a persons' opinion is simply that and cannot be legally argued, if that makes sense. Thanks for pointing out the legal
    angle. Dont think posting the BBB info. is a problem, that info is public domain and up to the BBB to confirm, dismiss, etc.

  10. #9
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    If you say something about a company there are two things you have to keep in mind.

    Its our opinion and only GIVE your opinion and don't say they are thieves or they under scale your items ect. Just keep to your opinion

    Factual = you can say things about a company good or bad as long as its factual. So you can say that a company lied about how much wight you sent but you better have proof of that encase they take a lawsuit out on you. Proof would be if you had it scaled by the shipping company and you have a way to show what you shipped (sign and notarized letter or some other means that holds up in court). When you start giving out factual info that you can not back up you will lose in court. If you can proof in court that you only gave out factual info out, then you will win.

    Someone who worked for me and has now opened there own shop after ripping me off for a **** ton of money. I am post his name, company and tell people he has 2 felonies one as a large drug dealer and one doing check fraud and both he was found guilty of. I can also say that he ripped me off and stole my clients as I can show proof that he sucked out my data and is now using it in his own company...all of that is factual and...a true story. Now I am going to be taking out a lawsuit on him when I can afford it as I do have a non compete agreement and can proof he stole my client lists along with embezzlement but I am still working that as that is something that my police department will not work on (not shocking if you saw what they did to me...but thats another story)
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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