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need help determining what to pay

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    TheKid started this thread.
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    need help determining what to pay

    My friend has a pile of scrap metal, mostly steel, at his house and he told me his dad would sell it to me for $100. However i don't think its worth it but i'm going to check it out anyways. He also wants it gone by today so theres a good chance i could talk him down but not sure how much. I'll post pictures when i get out there but i just wanted to get a few peoples attention so they could help me right away. Thanks ahead a time!

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    That would be roughly a 1000 lb, quite a pile, and you have to load and deliver to yard. Maybe $50.
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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    What Mech said, if that'll even cover your gas, an such.

    Guess he really wants it gone he should leave you room to profit. Or tell'm to take it himself or pay to have another do it.

    I don't mind paying for material, but you gotta leave me some meat on the bone.

    Harsh yes, reality of life..also yes.

    Sirscrapalot - I don't work for free.

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  6. #4
    TheKid started this thread.
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    need help determining what to pay

    thanks for the replies, but it worked out even better because he gave it to me for free under the condition that i take some plastic stuff away for him. not a big deal because my dad works at the landfill so we have free disposal. it all worked out great. also, i will be posting pics of the load soon

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  8. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Now that is a good deal.

    Good score to you!

    We'll hold you to the pictures.

    Sirscrapalot - Rocking out!

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  10. #6
    TheKid started this thread.
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    Its like 6 garage door panels, random steel, air compressor, string trimmers , and 4 helium tanks but i'm not sure what to do with them

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  12. #7
    TheKid started this thread.
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    need help determining what to pay

    couldn't get it to work with pics

  13. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Try again if you got a regular pc or laptop when you get home. The app can be funky with pictures. Lest for me.

    Or try a hosting site..can't imagine the fun that'll be on a cell phone tho. Ha ha!

    We await the pictures.

    Sirscrapalot - Chug a lug chug a lug lug lug

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  15. #9
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    Do some research on the tanks they may have value. All tanks that hold pressure have certification stamps that expire and the tank itself does become to old to re certify. If the tanks can be resold I expect you will make more off of them than from the other material. Make certain that the tanks are not rental types that are still owned by the rental company. Best of luck, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  17. #10
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    Helium tanks - I got one the other day. It was the size of a BBQ propane tank and said non-refillable on it. (Had an attachment for filling party balloons.) My yard takes pressurized containers as long as the valve is removed so I knocked the valve off with a hammer and turned it in with a shred load. Thinner metal walls than a propane tank, but still easy weight.

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  19. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    Helium tanks - I got one the other day. It was the size of a BBQ propane tank and said non-refillable on it. (Had an attachment for filling party balloons.) My yard takes pressurized containers as long as the valve is removed so I knocked the valve off with a hammer and turned it in with a shred load. Thinner metal walls than a propane tank, but still easy weight.
    I had a couple of them and found an instruction on the 'net about installing a valve and hose and making your own portable air tank.

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  21. #12
    TheKid started this thread.
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    As for the tanks, i called the recycler about those helium tanks and they took them as is so I just tossed them in the shred pile. The entire first load weighed 460lbs and it was $9.50 per 100lbs so I got a nice $43.70 pay check. I have another load to take in too and that should be about the same size

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  23. #13
    TheKid started this thread.
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    This is the first truck load
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  24. #14
    TheKid started this thread.
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    That will be the second. There were also 2 string trimmers and an air compressor that i took the motor off and then 2 electric water pumps under the compressor, they are heavy. I'm not sure if i should try to get the string trimmers to work and sell them or just tear them down. They're ryobi's so there not the best but they could still sell
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  26. #15
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    My phone only uploads one at a time so hang with me. Air compressor
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    The rest of it
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  30. #17
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Dang man, nice score.

    That air compressor doesn't work? Shame if so. Always a easy item to sell, or to keep for own use.

    I need to get one. I keep finding great deals on air tools. lol.

    Well played Kid. Well played indeed!

    Sirscrapalot - You a communist? Huh? How'd you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Baah! Baah! - Tony Montana, Scarface the movie.

  31. #18
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I know you already scrapped the stuff, but looking thru the pics and yes time is money, you could have broken down some stuff.

    Remove motors from the weed wackers only get dirty alum here but still easy.
    Electric motor on air compressor
    Aluminium crutch
    And was there aluminium on the garage doors? If so dirty alum as well.

    motor on air compressor

    Nice job though, and as my father in law says if it's for free take it!
    Last edited by hobo finds; 07-14-2014 at 04:24 PM.

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  33. #19
    TheKid started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    I know you already scrapped the stuff, but looking thru the pics and yes time is money, you could have broken down some stuff.

    Remove motors from the weed wackers only get dirty alum here but still easy.
    Electric motor on air compressor
    Aluminium crutch
    And was there aluminium on the garage doors? If so dirty alum as well.

    motor on air compressor

    Nice job though, and as my father in law says if it's for free take it!
    I did keep the weed wackers and will do those later, I also pulled the motor off the compressor and saw the crutch when I was unloading and kept it too. I made sure to separate it, I'll have a load of nonferrous by the time I'm done. I didn't take the garage doors in but I don't want to dele with all the foam and other stuff. But if any one who has delt with them before could tell me what I'm dealing with I might try it

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  35. #20
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    If they are alum and steel even with foam put them in with dirty alum. No need to try and remove all that form crappy

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