View Poll Results: New Sections for the Forum

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  • Buy, sell, trade section

    12 70.59%
  • Directory of metal buyers section

    11 64.71%
  • I need help/outsourcing section

    5 29.41%
  • Other

    1 5.88%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 11 of 11

What do you want? Open discussion.

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  1. #1
    admin started this thread.
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    Lightbulb What do you want? Open discussion.

    We decided to do a quick poll, and see what you guys would like to see here.

    We've been discussing a few different things that we think would make good additions to this forum.

    Just plug your vote into the poll and feel free to discuss in this thread.

    1 - A Buy/Sell/Trade section. We can't help but notice we have several experienced metal recyclers in this forum, some of which make their money buying and selling scrap metal. Some buy batteries, some buy computer boards, vehicles, straight scrap metal or whatever else. There could be great networking and money-making opportunities here so this is one of the main ideas we thought would benefit this forum for the long run.

    2 - A member generated 'directory' of sorts to list scrap yards, core buyers, precious metal buyers and refiners. This would be on a per-state basis and with prefixes similar to how the services section works to keep it organized and easy to sort and search.

    Members could also reply, rate and review the yards listed to let others know who pays good, who doesn't, who's honest and who's not type of thing.

    3 - An 'I need help' section or, an 'outsourcing' section. This could be something a long the lines of, 'looking for a guy to tow a vehicle for me', 'have a big job and need another guy with a truck', things along those lines.

    Open discussion.

  2. #2
    Iron Butterfly's Avatar
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    For me, it would be 1) and 2). I can't help but feel sorry for the guy who's going to get his phone turned to slag by the call volume if they post here "hey, I've got a few tons of copper, who wants it? Call me at (555)..."

  3. #3
    admin started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
    For me, it would be 1) and 2). I can't help but feel sorry for the guy who's going to get his phone turned to slag by the call volume if they post here "hey, I've got a few tons of copper, who wants it? Call me at (555)..."
    That's always a concern with these types of things, we will not let it happen. This would be a highly moderated addition to the forum, potentially even a small fee to post something for sale but that's just a thought. I don't think anybody would 'pay' to do such a thing. Also you have things like post count, and thanks you can refer to which can give you a little bit of an idea of one's reputation and their intentions here. Naturally, anybody caught doing such a thing would be banned in an instant so I think we can pull it off.

  4. #4
    Iron Butterfly's Avatar
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    Actually, I meant someone well-meaning using their actual information that's unaware of how much... zeal a person looking for good scrap can have. Someone posts something legit and gets the full force of the membership calling him, can be a little intimidating.

  5. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    I'd actually like to see all three. I'm in the process where I'll be looking for "help" and wondering how I'd advertise for it. (Not wanting to divulge details). This could be just what I need.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  6. #6
    admin started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly View Post
    Actually, I meant someone well-meaning using their actual information that's unaware of how much... zeal a person looking for good scrap can have. Someone posts something legit and gets the full force of the membership calling him, can be a little intimidating.
    This is very true. I suppose the person posting will have to change the title of the thread to 'TAKEN' as soon as someone takes up on the offer, or something like that. Possibly allow members to lock the threads when the offer is no longer good. I can see how putting an ad in front of a super-targeted audience like this one can be intimidating, but could be very profitable as well.

  7. #7
    matt018's Avatar
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    I think that people should PM the user who posts something for sale then the poster can use his discretion before giving his info away. Also the for sale section could be for tools trucks and trailers too.

  8. #8
    admin started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt018 View Post
    I think that people should PM the user who posts something for sale then the poster can use his discretion before giving his info away. Also the for sale section could be for tools trucks and trailers too.
    Yes we were hoping we could incorporate equipment for sale or trade also.

  9. #9
    tjlock is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I love the buy/sell/trade idea. Would be beneficial to numerous people. Shoot, I would probably get some things lined up to trade. I know I take a hit on insulated wire, would be bad to trade it for a tool or something I could make a little more off of. From what I have noticed, My yard pays very little for insulated wire, could trade it to somebody that makes more on it, for something I could get a bit extra out of. Example, 10 pounds of insulated wire for 2 pounds of brass. Although shipping fees would play a part.

  10. #10
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I voted for the Directory of buyers section, but I would like to see all of the options added sooner or later. At some point everyone has something they need help with or comes across something they can't handle, and most of us are always wheeling and dealing stuff so the classifieds would be great as well.

    The way I see it, pretty much everyone would benefit from the Directory of Buyers, so 100% benefit. However maybe only 40-50% would probably get much benefit from the other two categories, thus my voting choice.

    Thanks for all you do and for trying to make this an even better online community for us!

  11. #11
    admin started this thread.
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    Here's a start for now...

    Hopefully we can get this new section up and running nicely.

    We do want to do the buy/sell/trade and I need help/outsourcing sections for sure as well but with those we're going to have to do a lot of thinking/planning/preparing for this type of thing so it works out great and benefits everybody like it's supposed to.

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