We decided to do a quick poll, and see what you guys would like to see here.
We've been discussing a few different things that we think would make good additions to this forum.
Just plug your vote into the poll and feel free to discuss in this thread.
1 - A Buy/Sell/Trade section. We can't help but notice we have several experienced metal recyclers in this forum, some of which make their money buying and selling scrap metal. Some buy batteries, some buy computer boards, vehicles, straight scrap metal or whatever else. There could be great networking and money-making opportunities here so this is one of the main ideas we thought would benefit this forum for the long run.
2 - A member generated 'directory' of sorts to list scrap yards, core buyers, precious metal buyers and refiners. This would be on a per-state basis and with prefixes similar to how the services section works to keep it organized and easy to sort and search.
Members could also reply, rate and review the yards listed to let others know who pays good, who doesn't, who's honest and who's not type of thing.
3 - An 'I need help' section or, an 'outsourcing' section. This could be something a long the lines of, 'looking for a guy to tow a vehicle for me', 'have a big job and need another guy with a truck', things along those lines.
Open discussion.