Ok so did a little calling/reading/bad math.
Got my hands on two small window units and one large window unit (the large one almost was to heavy for me too pick up). Did some calling around to find out what the cost to have the ACs drained so if my yard asked or needs paper work (I think thy do) I would have it plus its the right thing to do. Talked to the three in town. Place number one wanted $85 and some change per hour and would charge me for a guy to come down and do it, I could not bring ACs to them, no to them. Second place still has yet to call me back so we will assume a no go there. Last place would let me bring them the ACs and only charge me $35 (service call) to drain. After talking to the people I would also need a piercing valve to so total is now $51.75 with tax.

So did some looking I can find valves on Amazon for $3.90 have to order other stuff as well so that could work. Now the math.

I looked up and seen Mike the scrapper break a large one much like the one I have, I know all things differ and size matters. This is for the math.
Compressor - 20+ #
Copper Pipe - 3.88#
Wire - .12#
Shread - 10.18#
Low grade - .17#
Copper motor - .78#
Alu. Radiator - 7.53#

Using the price at the yard in town (not the best but this is for math) .40¢# for the radiator and $2.40# for the copper pipe, this is thinking that thy just give me dirty #2 price. So at minimum I should get $11.92 give or take a few coins/bills.

So with that scrap price I would need 3 large units to come out even or 5 small ones (assuming I get $8.00 scrap value a unit, got that number from reading around) to do the same.
I need another set of eyes here to see if I'm mathing in left field or if I got this right... sorta...

$34.95 - Cost to drain multiple units
$11.75 - Buying one of there piercing valves, 3 of the Amazon valves would be a little more then that.
$46.70+ First time and $34.95 each other time

This is assuming it is fast to drain and the large number of ACs do not cause a addition charge.
Now ACs are a uncommon thing for me to find this time of year and with the colder months ahead I don't think I will see many more. So from were I stand it is not a loss if I have the numbers or do you all think I should find a way to get rid of them by means of CL sell or hunt some one down to trade scrap with?

I'm open for any and all advice you all have, looking to people who ran into this a few time them self. Please note that I do not have Benjamin Franklin sitting in my wallet in fact my change draw sees more dead people then my wallet. So taking a hit is not something I can do.