I really would like to get a hold of some larger capacitors for resale to some local shops that i know will have uses for them. The problem is that I'm not sure what the differences are between them and where to find them. I know they need to be able to handle at least 24v and most projects will be working with ranges of 1Farad - 5 Farad so 1,000,000uf to 5,000,000uf, so there will be a lot of these in parallel (or is it series....).

I'm wanting to know what appliances or devices to look for to find these as well as any scrappers that might have these things lying around.

Anyone have any suggestions where to look? I have to say cost is a major factor, as this is all experimental research these gadget guys are working on and all the beans come from their own wallets.

Suggestions anypeeps? Muchas Gracias Mi Amigos!!!