Just wondering does anyone know what the yard does with the metal we bring in? I know they recycle it
but does anyone know the process or web pages to look at to get this info? Working in a foundery I see a some of it. The coper we use looks like number two wire cut into little 1/8 inch pieces. We have a huge bin of it and I often wounded how much wire was brought in just to fill that bin. We use foundery grade nickel, which I don't recommend stealing you will get caught! But that looks like 1/2 inch bb's which I am assuming someone somewhere melts down the nickel we bring in and has a mold. What I am really curious about is this product we call slitter it is probably an 1/8 inch thick and about 6 inches long. And we use alot of it, we pick it up with a magnet that is strong enough to pick up a car. Do you think this is what happens to the products you guys call shred. I was thinking that but the metal we use does not have any painted coat on it and I know some of the products you guys say I throw it in the shred pile is painted.