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  1. #1
    Gberic32 started this thread.
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    missing out

    It's starting to get cold here in wisconsin and I just thought it would be a perfect opportunity to place adds on Facebook abs Craigslist for scrap. There is a lot of people who have to bring a lot of things outside either in there basement or storage shed. Just thinking a lot of them probably don't want to do this or have that old gas grill they don't really want and diffently don't want to keep moving around. I would place the add myself but just have a lumina and would look pretty silly trying to get such bulky items in there. On the plus side my wife's friends husband just got layer off from a small scrap yard so I am going to hopefully hit him up soon to get valuable info. Problem I am having is that she won't give me his contact info. Yet lol probably Cas she knows this s rap thing will really blow up then! Just a few quick questions what r you guys ideas on scraping oil filters and spark plugs I read on another site that people do this. Also tin cans from like pizza places n such is it worth the hassle

  2. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I don't know that I would go looking for tin cans but it all adds up. One drop in the bucket is how I see it. The bucket will eventually get full.
    I've been reading your post and was wondering if you're still looking at getting a truck. Also is the Lumina the only vehicle you and your Wife have. I didn't know if selling or trading it for a truck was an option.

  3. #3
    Gberic32 started this thread.
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    As of right now we have my lumina, a g6 and a broken mountaineer. I just got a second job that may produce enough income to get a truck in the next two months otherwise it will have to wait till tax time. Truth this scrap thing has been in my mind off n on for the last two years. I know there is money in it, I see random stuff on the side of the road all the time.i am just basically clueless about a lot of it. My problem with approaching businesses is that I really don't know much about it. But I am really at the point of just saying f---k it and just doing this **** thing. When you start a new job you ate clueless, after a couple months you are alright and after a year or two you are all good is how I am looking at it. As i stated I only been to the yard like 6 times I think what my general problem was is general planing. In my early 20's I did a lot of side jobs n made a lot of money like 1000.00 a week. I need to get that drive in me again, quit with the excuses n Make this work. There is hardly n e start up money and really the stuff is every ware. a couple nights a week at my job the give my this real easy position n for 8 hours I think about all the scrap we throw away n all the places I could potentially get scrap. I have three kids and I need to make something work. This is what I am choosing and I hope to god it works out.

  4. #4
    Gberic32 started this thread.
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    With the tin cans it was just an idea to get a Reg. source of scrap. I know it don't pay much but u could get them every ware. I live in the country so water to wash them out is free also have 8 yeAr old son lol and for oil filters there r tons of oil change shops around you can turn in oil at landfill but its only like what a pound of steel Need 2000. To make a ton or so. I just nought of you had say 10 businesses you pick up from reg p,us curb shopping it might be a start till you get 30 business's ext..... Bit I also know its low grade bs work just wondering if it was worth it. Or am I making a fool of myself also printer cartridges. We have tons of payday loan stores that us a lot of ink... Just saying

  5. #5
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    Stay away from used oil filters...they are considered hazardous waste in some jurisdictions 'cause they contain all sorts of metal out of the engine, such as lead from bearing shells, cadmium, etc.


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  7. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Someone on here did mention a filter smasher where they take up less space. Also check with your yard as some will take "tin cans" and some won't. My yard don't like them in the shred pile (I believe it's cause of rodents) so I'll add them inside a computer or microwave carcass if I can button it up.
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  9. #7
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    I use cans for screws,nuts ,ect. When can is full I drop the whole thing in any appliance that iam filling up. Restaurants can be a good source especially when they are replacing equipment.

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