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Finally Found A Local Buyer Of RAM/Finger Boards - Page 2

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  1. #21
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I am currently posting this on a Dell Latitude D620.......Its an original XP machine with a 2GHZ dual core processor and 3 GB Memory.........True it will bog down ifI open up 5 or 6 windows but it does everything I need........It does Ebay, CL, this forum, Emails, streams video off you tube etc............I usually sell these machines for around $100

  2. #22
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    well I guess that makes me a computer snob/geek/whatever....I won't touch a machine under current laptop has 8 and I will probably throw 16 in there if I load up photoshop or some other home monster I custom built and has 16gb of REALLY FAST ram in it....I guess I get spoiled since that is what I specialize in and I do run I want stuff to happen RIGHT NOW...I keep outlook, word and excel alot, photoshop a fair amount and probably 4-5 windows of Firefox with 6-10 tabs each open all the time...and that allows me to have about 50% of my ram available when photoshop needs it...again I build all my machines except laptops and put really good hardware in all mine....they are FAST and SH$% happen right the F now....
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  4. #23
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    well I guess that makes me a computer snob/geek/whatever....I won't touch a machine under current laptop has 8 and I will probably throw 16 in there if I load up photoshop or some other home monster I custom built and has 16gb of REALLY FAST ram in it....I guess I get spoiled since that is what I specialize in and I do run I want stuff to happen RIGHT NOW...I keep outlook, word and excel alot, photoshop a fair amount and probably 4-5 windows of Firefox with 6-10 tabs each open all the time...and that allows me to have about 50% of my ram available when photoshop needs it...again I build all my machines except laptops and put really good hardware in all mine....they are FAST and SH$% happen right the F now....
    If that's what you need then cool.........I just don't need that much to run ebay.........I am currently using a quad core desktop with 4 gb memory and it is plenty for me..........Everyones needs are different but most people use a computer for very basic tasks........Those who do more Know what they need

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  6. #24
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    One thing that has assisted me make things quicker is running Ubuntu instead of any of the windows OS's. I do have windows on the same machines because there are a few programs that will not run or Ubuntu. I am able to choose which OS to use at start up each time I start.

    I like Ubuntu, it starts quickly and I believe far less prone to malware issures.

    My needs are simple so I can get by with less. I run three computers, one is a laptop, two are towers and one of those is for testing parts, one is for ebay. The laptop is what I use mostly research and monitoring ebay. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #25
    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    Thank you all for you replies and pms. I checked the place out on Saturday, it was actually very convenient that I heard about this place when I did because I was at a client's right before I went there and would have had to make 2 trips because they had 3 TVs in addition to the bbq and other metal. I picked up the tvs, brought them to this new yard (more like a warehouse) and stripped them in the parking lot. I didn't want to be tempted too badly so I left my CPUs and RAM at home. Brought in the TVs and got my .15/lb. Sweet. Except the scale guy (is there a proper name for that job?) noticed I had taken the backs off and proceeds to tell me that next time I have to leave the yokes on, basically leave the unit whole! "WTF is the point?" I'm asking myself! Out loud I just nod and say "oh ok". He kept saying "It's govt subsidized so..." and didn't really explain further.

    So that little perk went bust fast. I make more stripping CRTs and selling the shell at .11/lb. He gave me a price list and they're all lowball prices except wire at .85/lb vs .80/lb I get now, but they want telephone and computer wire sorted out for less.

    All in all, it was an experience and one more place to keep my eye on.

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  10. #26
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    AdmiralAluminum wrote: Except the scale guy (is there a proper name for that job?)

    I believe it is Weighmaster.

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  12. #27
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    AdmiralAluminum wrote: Except the scale guy (is there a proper name for that job?)

    I believe it is Weighmaster.
    That's what they call them at a DOT state scale.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  14. #28
    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    I think I'll stick to "scale guy" I haven't met one yet that I would call "master"

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