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Finally Found A Local Buyer Of RAM/Finger Boards

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    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    Finally Found A Local Buyer Of RAM/Finger Boards

    I'm actually a little excited at the moment but I'm not sure if I should do this. It started yesterday with a reply to my classified ad, asking where I take my scrap to, he has info for me. I was stand-offish, not knowing who this guy was so I just told him "a local yard" forward about 5 replies back and forth and he finally gives me the name of a yard that pays .15/lb for e-waste (.04 better than my yard). I checked the place out and sure enough they do buy for that price and on their website they have RAM and finger boards listed as well. My yard will only take them as "greenboards" so I have been saving them up. I have maybe 4 lbs RAM and probably 20-25lbs fingerboards. So I call them up for pricing and it's 4.00/lb RAM and 1.50/lb fingercards. Much better than .10/lb for greenboards and I have not heard of anywhere else around that even buys the stuff.

    So, do I do it? I'm going there tomorrow to check the place out and am seriously considering bringing my stuff with me. I know it's all about what it's worth to me, but I just wanted to hear some of you guy's (and gal's) input.

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  3. #2
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    I'm not sure what complications there are shipping from Canada to USA. Your lot is worth roughly 150 to one of several buyers here in the states vs 50 for what you can get local. Or you could throw that Ram up on Ebay and probably come out ahead.

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  5. #3
    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    Thanks, I'm aware of the pricing differences, I just have no where else to go to. I'm not in a huge rush to sell, although the $$$ would be nice for Xmas.

  6. #4
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Ebay will certainly get you better return and sell in a few days...those prices are about 40-50% of the going rate...
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  8. #5
    sledge's Avatar
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    I've currently got (4) 1 GB Samsung Sticks on CL for $25 Bucks.. not one sniff!
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  10. #6
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Like said before, I also don't know the issue with you Canadian folk shipping down here to the States, but that's the option I'd go with. 12.50lb vs 4.00lb. Then again I don't live in Canada.

    I highly dislike eBay but I think it's your best option for most bang for the buck. Plenty of folks here sell it there an do just peachy. If you got the patience for it you should give it a try. I think if I was where you are I'd go the eBay route.

    Good luck an let us know how it turns out, whichever way you go.

    Sirscrapalot - Knowledge is power. No seriously it is. - One day I'll make you all guess the author of these quotes.

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  12. #7
    SuperDave's Avatar
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    If I knew where in Ontario you are I may be able to help..

  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    I've currently got (4) 1 GB Samsung Sticks on CL for $25 Bucks.. not one sniff!
    Check the sold listings that match yours. I think you are way over current prices. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

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  15. #9
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    I've currently got (4) 1 GB Samsung Sticks on CL for $25 Bucks.. not one sniff!
    Thats cause they dont sell for that anymore. if they are ddr1 your looking at $3 a stick if your lucky. if they are ddr2 then you are looking $4 a stick at best.

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  17. #10
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    I've currently got (4) 1 GB Samsung Sticks on CL for $25 Bucks.. not one sniff!
    and NO modern system will run efficiently with that little of ram....I am literally swimming in 1 gb sticks...modern systems need a MINIMUM of 8gb ram to work can get away with less if you have a business machines (read internet and word processing only) since the motherboard will only hold 4 sticks.

    Unless that Samsung ram is SERVER ram you will never get $25 for it. And really NOONE I know looks on CL for loose ram...I have never seen it sell...Ebay maybe...but really you almost need 20 1gb sticks to sell in bulk to someone that services business machines. Now they MIGHT sell SLIGHTLY better if SODIMMS (laptop memory) but even then not at $25....and I won't even keep those generally since I get alot of 2gb sticks these days even in laptops.

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  19. #11
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Webuyselltradestuff, you are way off. Plenty of good systems run Windows 7 with 4GB RAM. I sell 4GB kits (4x1GB) of ddr2 for 30.00 all day long. Windows 7 minimum system requirements are 1GB for 32 bit, and 2GB for 64 bit. SODIMMS(laptop memory) do not sell on Ebay at all.

    I have been selling lots of 100 sticks for 4-500.00. There is still a large market for this stuff. It is not like a few years ago, but still going strong.

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  21. #12
    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    Finally Found A Local Buyer Of RAM/Finger Boards

    I'm so glad this sparked a discussion! I've posted about selling refineable here in Canada and no bites.

  22. #13
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuburnEwaste View Post
    Webuyselltradestuff, you are way off. Plenty of good systems run Windows 7 with 4GB RAM. I sell 4GB kits (4x1GB) of ddr2 for 30.00 all day long. Windows 7 minimum system requirements are 1GB for 32 bit, and 2GB for 64 bit. SODIMMS(laptop memory) do not sell on Ebay at all.

    I have been selling lots of 100 sticks for 4-500.00. There is still a large market for this stuff. It is not like a few years ago, but still going strong.
    Actually I do know exactly the specs for win 7 systems...HOWEVER, I would NEVER EVER advise anyone to actually build a machine other than a business one like I mentioned with a paltry 4gb of ram...again you fire up win7, word and excel and open 8-10 tabs on your browser and you will be having issues (that is what many people do). I would put 8gb in any machine I actually wanted to sell other than a business desktop....if not you are doing your clients a HUGE disservice IMO.

    Anyways, I did mention selling lots of those possibly to business machine refurbishers above and that would be the best way to move those. I am glad you have sold 4x1gb kits....heck I will sell anything on ebay and do...I would want to move it faster so I again I woudl be doing larger sets or selling to one of my business computer refurbishers about an hour and a half away from me and concentrate on 2gb lots....but that is me, YMMV.

    And yes DDR2 WILL sell better since that is an older version of Ram and still used in many older p4 there are plenty of places that still need replacement parts.

    The bigger issue was trying to sell on CL vs Ebay or even Amazon Marketplace. CL is not the market for parts from my experience...certainly not to move quickly.

    But the original post still is that what they are offering you is VERY low compared to even scrap rates on Ebay...and you might can resell some of it if they have been tested.

  23. #14
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    As one who uses CL quite a bit, I've learned it varies by location.

    That said, I agree with WBSTS on the CL thing. I've never had luck moving ram an the like there. Buyers will get it on here before I ever put it on CL again. CL is great if selling working units. Can't say the same for parts unless it's Hard Drives or Graphic Cards.

    As I said tho to start out, it tends to vary by location. What doesn't sell for you could sell for me like hot cakes. Never know till ya try.

    Sirscrapalot - Life is beautiful but people are crazy. - Charles Osgood

  24. #15
    sledge's Avatar
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    Hmmm.. showing my rookie stripes bad out here. I did a Sold Listing Ebay search and based it off of this auction since I had the exact same RAM
    Samsung 2GB 2x1GB M378T2863EHS CF7 1Rx8 PC2 6400U 666 12 ZZ DDR2 Desktop RAM | eBay

    Time to Re-adjust
    ... where is that "been humbled" emoticon?
    Last edited by sledge; 11-07-2014 at 07:15 PM.

  25. #16
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    CL an ebay are very different beasts Sledge. So don't worry.

    Most of my past online selling was via eBay, it was till I gave up on them an decided to reduce my stress levels, an start using CL.

    It's weird what will sell there an what won't. Same for prices. You'd think stuff that sold on ebay for such an such would sell there for the same but it doesn't always. I think a lot of that is a lot of people watch CL for deals so they can be resold on eBay. I have no research to back this up other then my own experiences, so as always..YMMV.

    Good luck with it Sledge, an stick with it. Some things will do really well on CL.

    Sirscrapalot - Crazy is as crazy does.

  26. #17
    sledge's Avatar
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    Yes sir, Generally prices are lower via CL because you don't have the hassle of fees from every Ebay angle.. but I figure if I utilize Ebay as a guide to prices then if I set my prices based on a "reasonable market value" and some dude offers me $20 instead of $25 on these.. I still make out for more than scrap value, and I know I'm not asking some ungodly high price as that is what the market is bearing at the moment. I seem to do well at that. Worst case, they end up in the stack and go in as scrap.. I don't lose a thing by trying to offload them on CL for the cost of my time to type up a free ad and post a pic off my cell phone.

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  28. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Agreed. Free listing with CL post it till you sell it one or another.

    Just didn't want you getting frustrated. I stick to other items besides ewaste for CL.

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  29. #19
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    Yes sir, Generally prices are lower via CL because you don't have the hassle of fees from every Ebay angle.. but I figure if I utilize Ebay as a guide to prices then if I set my prices based on a "reasonable market value" and some dude offers me $20 instead of $25 on these.. I still make out for more than scrap value, and I know I'm not asking some ungodly high price as that is what the market is bearing at the moment. I seem to do well at that. Worst case, they end up in the stack and go in as scrap.. I don't lose a thing by trying to offload them on CL for the cost of my time to type up a free ad and post a pic off my cell phone.
    I have found that people are usually looking for a deal on CL......Those 1 GB DDR2 sticks still have value.......A dual core computer with 4GB Memory will be fine for most everyday tasks.........You can stream video, do CL, type documents etc............Most people don't even need that much computing power..........Your best bet would be to hook up with someone in your area who does refurbs and sell them bulk to him..........I personally keep those sticks and build inexpensive dual cores for your average user.........Higher end DDR3 stuff goes on Ebay........You are on the right track!!!!

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  31. #20
    grouchyolddude's Avatar
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    {{whine}}.. 2 laptops n a desktop 'n not 8 G of ram between the 3 combined..... How do I survive...

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