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toll refining gold and silver

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  1. #1
    mseashell started this thread.
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    toll refining gold and silver

    I was wondering if any of ya'll was interested in doing some refining. I don't have a lot right now, but am working on getting some stuff together. Currently I have a lil over a pound of clean plated pins. They are assorted, I usually pull the pins out of the connectors and throw them in a bag. I also have a few pounds of connectors with the pins in them. When I get bored I sit around and pull the pins out, lol. I have about a pound or so of gold fingers as well. There will not be any rush on getting it done, just when ever someone has time.

    I also am wondering something. Is there any value in doing the silver connectors from the printer cables. I really don't know what they are called, lol. What I am talking about is usually white, almost like tape, and the ends are usually blue. I have the entire cables, because I don't know if they are silver all the way through or not. Should I just cut the connector ends off where u actually see the silver, or is it worth it to send the entire cable.
    If anyone is interested please let me know. You can leave a message on here or you can pm me. Just let me know what you charge, and about how long it will take you. Thank you everyone

  2. #2
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Honestly your going to require a lot more volume to even be thinking about refining . I think this question would be better off addressed on the gold refining forum after you accumulate a few more zeros behind those weight figures .

    I read religiously on this forum and most members have recommended selling your precious metal scrap and then buying actual precious metal with the funds . A lot easier and no one risks losing a hand or half of their yield .
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  4. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I think this is scrappers forum
    this is gold refining forum

    there are a few here that dabble in both though

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  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Honestly your going to require a lot more volume to even be thinking about refining . I think this question would be better off addressed on the gold refining forum after you accumulate a few more zeros behind those weight figures .
    There is a few what I call hobby refiners that might mess with a small batch like that, but the bigger places are going to want the volume. Quite a few hobby types over on the other forum.
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  8. #5
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    toll refining gold and silver

    I am a " hobby refiner". I am not sure if it is silver or not. My local ewaste. buyer said it was tin but I don't think they where very sure. however the current price of chemicals and the current price of Silver you would need several hundred pounds.
    you could also go to GRF and read a lot. try it out yourself as long as your safe it is a very fun and rewarding hobby. Brasscatcher knows his stuff maybe shoot him a pm
    Edit. Eric ( etack) is very educated in this department.
    Last edited by Trot; 11-21-2014 at 03:46 PM.

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  10. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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  12. #7
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    I don't want to be a Debbie downer, but don't bother asking about this on the gold refining forum. They are most likely going to berate you, and insist you read a famous book about refining, even though you don't want to actually refine them yourself. You will be lucky to not get completely banned from that forum just for asking this question there.

    You would be better off selling them as is and buying Gold as was mentioned above. Unless you really like jerks, avoid the Gold refining forum.

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  14. #8
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I would ask etack or brasscatcher for a referal to someone.
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  16. #9
    etack's Avatar
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    What I would suggest is to wait. If you need to move it I understand. If not wait gold prices are down and eBay sales for gold recovery is down. Wait for a big jump in prices $50.00 or more in a day for several days. Then post on eBay. What you have took a lot of time to gather but has little gold in it.

    If you want to sell them let me know better what you have and some pics and I will bid them out.

    The GRF can be hard to deal with but they are only looking out for the new people the ones that post and the ones that lurk too.

    As far as the silver fingers they are tinned.

    Last edited by etack; 11-21-2014 at 07:04 PM.

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  18. #10
    mseashell started this thread.
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    First of all many thanks to everyone.
    I usually just clip off any connectors and throw in a bucket. The last time I sold all my "omg its gold" items I received a couple hundred dollars for everything I had. That's been almost a year ago, maybe more. I ain't worried about the gold itself, just thought that I could get someone to process it and when done I would have a little extra pocket change.

    I have been on the grf. They are not all the nicest of ppl. Not real helpful. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I have noticed ppl on here are more helpful and I guess more tolerant of dummies like me, lol. I ain't in any hurry to get rid of anything right now, just thought I would go ahead and start searching for someone now, maybe get a few options.
    A couple ppl mentioned to me about doing my own refining. I could if I wanted to, but really have no interest in it. I might read a little more and try it just to say I done it, but really don't want to mess with it, and the time, and not to mention having to get all the chemicals and everything.
    But again thanks to everyone for the input.

  19. #11
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Pins are not the best return and are expensive to refine. the product used is over $25 per L. the best value would be to sell them on E bay if you want to put up with the hassle. there are still some clueless buyers there.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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