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Where to Sell Old INSANELY Expensive Solid Metal Vaccuum?

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  1. #1
    dalegribble started this thread.
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    Where to Sell Old INSANELY Expensive Solid Metal Vaccuum?

    Alright so this may be a seemingly out of place question but in a worst case scenario, this thing is so freaking heavy it's got to be worth a fair amount as scrap, so... Yeah.

    My grandmother apparently paid just over $1,000 for this vacuum (Kirby Heritage vacuum)
    when she bought it brand new back in the '80s. It's gone unused (save for testing) in the meantime; It by no means was used to it's potential and has spent more time in my folks' basement doing nothing than anything else. It's in pristine condition as everything else my depression-era grandparents left behind. We tested it out in one of the rooms in need of new carpeting, and it nearly sucked the carpet clean off.

    It's a beast, works great, and has all the original accessories. I've seen offers as high as $600+ but no luck so far. I'm helping my folks try to help it find a better home as they're not the eBay-ing type.

    Does anyone recommend a place that will pay a fair price for this bad boy? It'd be such a waste to scrap it, but they really want to unload it.


    P.S. If you live in the Upper Midwest where we got 70 inches of snow in less than a week, now you know why--my parents are cleaning out their storage.

  2. #2
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Not so much.... Unless you can use the same high pressure sales program Kirby salesmen use.

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  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I have parted them out on Ebay...easier to ship parts rather then the whole thing. Otherwise Craigslist the whole thing or check with vacuum repair shops.

    kirby heritage vacuum | eBay
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  6. #4
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    If it were me, I would keep it for myself. Why get rid of a good vacuum. A year from now the plastic piece of crap vacuum that you paid 40 dollars for will probably be on its last leg and you'll need a good one. When that time comes, scrap that plastic one and start using the Kirby.

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