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Old satellite dish

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    carolinajunkman started this thread.
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    Old satellite dish

    First off, I tried searching but could only find info on modern dishes. My questions are
    1 aren't they usually aluminum
    2 approximate weight
    3 your opinion on going 30 miles to get a free one.

    I am talking about the old, big ones.
    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    pjost's Avatar
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    I'd go get it, but that's just me. Hand them a biz card and see if they have anything else you can take.
    On the other hand they may just want your free labor disassembling it. Might be half a day job for very little pay.
    Is it one of those steel mesh ones or painted aluminum? 30mi round trip or 30 miles one way? Disassembled or not? All things you should find out.

    Edit: have them take a magnet off their fridge and see if it sticks
    Last edited by pjost; 12-02-2014 at 11:10 AM.
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  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Junkman, First off it depends on what kind it is and what size. I installed them for about 4 years. They made them out of spun alum. which were solid. Then thin spun steel (kind of rare). And also alum. mesh with alum rib arms and a steel center plate and heavy steel cap that set on the post.
    Usually the post was made out of double wall 6", sometimes cemented in.

    Then they made them in 8' 10' and 12' unless it is commercial, then all bets are off. Usually they came with an actuator motor which rotated the dish. The solid ones usually were only 8' and the mesh in 10's and 12's. I think that covers it.

    As far as would it be worth it, gonna be your call there but try to incorporate another trip with it.
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  5. #4
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    They come apart like slices of pizza! I've only gotten two of them one mesh one not but both were aluminum! People use them for chicken coops you could sell it as is.

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