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The guy I spoke to told me it's usually between 10-20c a pound but I'd get more if I drained it and what not which I've already done. I also have some breakage from a smaller tiller motor that seems to be cast aluminum so hopefully I can get a sledge and mix it all together
... you do realize "aluminum breakage" doesn't actually mean broken aluminum...right? It means "dirty" or "irony" aluminum, aluminum with foreign attachments. My yard would buy it as breakage since it's already drained and partially dismantled. You might want to call your yard before you start smashing things with a sledge...
"Aluminum Breakage:Aluminum recyclables with greater than 8% of foreign attachments but less than 40%. Aluminum recoveries of a minimum of 50% - 60% must be achievable. Materials with lower recovery rates will be graded as sheet iron"