Originally Posted by
Lol I'd rather type in shorter sentences, less writing but sorry, I thought u guys wuld understand wen I say nd that probly means and, just common sense nd ya maybe u hav been scrapping longer then me but then again its just common sense, u get metal u sell metal u get more if u hav more metal, but I'm not gunna sit here nd chirp up other people over the internet, its just a waiste of my time I'd rather gain usfull information instead of chirping people nd not gettin nything out of it, but man oh man if ny ones gotta a problem grow some balls nd come meet up with me tuff guys, nd to let u no I'm in grade ten nd I got all my credits, the funny part is ur telling me to go back to school wen ur 40 nd ur scrappin, once I'm done school ill be making to much to even bother scrapping nd most deffinetly waiste my time on this forum god u guys crack me up
You were given constructive friendly advice on posting in this forum and are now lashing out in a threatening manner. Through all walks of life you will find that some respect for your elders goes a long way. When one of them tries to point you in the right direction, it is generally good advice to follow.
Looking back through some of your original posts they were much more clear with no where near the amount of typos, misspellings and abbreviations. I am assuming that the difference may be posting from a computer versus posting from a phone. Is that right?
You then proceed to slam the full time scrappers on here saying how much more you are going to make than them after you are finished with school. For the record, there are probably several full time scrappers here whose income is on par with many white collar workers, certainly equal to or greater than the average blue collar worker at the least.
I have no authority here, but I suggest an apoligy for lashing out if you want to stick around here and learn from those that have been doing it before you were even a glint in your daddies eye. I for one was originally excited to see a young guy out scrapping and posting here, but your age is showing now. This is your chance to be a grown up and continue on this forum.
Sorry to anyone if I have over stepped my bounds in suggesting this.