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magnetic stainless steel

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  1. #1
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    magnetic stainless steel

    so i got scored about 1000 pounds of metal, its been in the snow all winter but no rust, k i am kinda new but dont get me wrong ive made a nice bit of money so far its been about 2 months since ive accually been driving around picking stuff up nd driving straight to the scrap yard, i used to just ride my bike around nd grab little stuff probly made about 30 a day but in the past 2 months ive made just about 4000 i do get alot of steel that has no rust but i wanna no if i can sell it for stainless because it is stainless lol but its magnetic would they just mark it as steel? i ussually just toss all my magnetic stuff in as shred but im tryna get the most i can so im testin a few things.

  2. #2
    Randy_B_Scrappin's Avatar
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    Your yard would have to test it. Don't let them get over on you if you know for a fact it is stainless, shop around.

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  4. #3
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Stainless that pays is non magnetic. Magnetic stainless is not worth, at most yards, anymore then steel.

    You may take note that your threads don't get much reply! .....?

  5. #4
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    I'm pretty sure I can see that that on my own without depressed people tryin to tell me wat to do I'm just tryna make some extra money it doesn't hurt to ask if u tryna defend me it aint workin I'm happy with wat I make but obviously u arnt hope things speed up for u nd my threads get a lot of post thanxs its funny how u can talk smack over the internet but I can guarentee u u wuldnt say that to make face get a life nd stop tryin to defend people over the internet maybe learn how to scrap go out nd make some money nd that might make u happier

  6. #5
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    Nd take note that u try nd talk smack over the internet lol must be fun

  7. #6
    tjlock's Avatar
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    It seems that it was just a comment to let you know that it may not be as nice of a payout as it could be. It doesn't appear that he was talking smack to you, just a bit of friendly advice to keep disappointment from setting in if you can't score a higher price. Not a reason to get all huffy and puffy. Just saying.

    P.S. It is really hard to read your posts when you type like a text message and misspell alot. Not sure quite why I decided to keep reading this. Normally something like this I click back and never look again. Again, Just saying.

  8. #7
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    Ok I don't see why u wuld get into this, but not to over smart u I no u guys don't like to get over smarted by a teen, but read his post with out the take note ur post don't get many replys it wulda been a lot nicer wuldnt u say lol sometimes u just gotta think before u write

  9. #8
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    Ok I don't see why u wuld get into this, but not to over smart u I no u guys don't like to get over smarted by a teen, but read his post with out the take note ur post don't get many replys it wulda been a lot nicer wuldnt u say lol

  10. #9
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    See wat I mean I culda said the first but in stead I said the second cause I like to be nice lolol

  11. #10
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    Nd just to let u no I'm here for advice not to try nd act all smart nd tuff, maybe sometimes u shuld keep ur disrespectful thoughts to ur self, notice how I don't talk smack to anyone unless they talk smack to me srry if my threads don't get many post ill try harder to ask better questions next time

  12. #11
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    My eyes hurt from surfing through that incoherent rambling.

    Hope it's not a reflection of todays education system, but I fear it may be.

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  14. #12
    Saroro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teenscrapper View Post
    srry if my threads don't get many post ill try harder to ask better questions next time
    Teen, it's not that you need to ask better questions, it's for other reasons.

    First is that you need to spell correctly and work on your grammar a bit. Your posts are very hard to read. Put an "A" on your "and", instead of just "nd". Double check your post before you put it up and make corrections if you need to. Lesson: "An education is worth more than just the knowledge you learn."

    The second reason is that we get tired of answering the same questions over and over again. It's a good question, but it's been asked SEVERAL times on this forum already. You need to spend some time during your research by reading through the old posts on this forum. Due searches for specific items. There is a LOT of good information here already if you look for it. Lesson: "Do your due diligence. In all areas of your life"

    Third, there are a lot of guys here who have been scrapping for longer than you've been a live. The experience they can share (and do share if you read past posts) is immeasurable. Don't get so huffy over a couple of posts. Learn how to interact with us, and we can teach you a lot. You choose to learn from us here at this forum. Lesson x2: "Always strive to be a better person than you are," and "Let slide that which truly does not matter."

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  16. #13
    junkdude1959's Avatar
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    Very nicely said Saroro

  17. #14
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkdude1959 View Post
    Very nicely said Saroro
    Agreed. And I tend to hit the back button when I see a post like that.

  18. #15
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    Lol I'd rather type in shorter sentences, less writing but sorry, I thought u guys wuld understand wen I say nd that probly means and, just common sense nd ya maybe u hav been scrapping longer then me but then again its just common sense, u get metal u sell metal u get more if u hav more metal, but I'm not gunna sit here nd chirp up other people over the internet, its just a waiste of my time I'd rather gain usfull information instead of chirping people nd not gettin nything out of it, but man oh man if ny ones gotta a problem grow some balls nd come meet up with me tuff guys, nd to let u no I'm in grade ten nd I got all my credits, the funny part is ur telling me to go back to school wen ur 40 nd ur scrappin, once I'm done school ill be making to much to even bother scrapping nd most deffinetly waiste my time on this forum god u guys crack me up

  19. #16
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    But everyboddy go go go chirp the teen u gotta a chance, u gotta get the best chirp in to look smart its so much funn,lol bunch of goofs

  20. #17
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teenscrapper View Post
    Lol I'd rather type in shorter sentences, less writing but sorry, I thought u guys wuld understand wen I say nd that probly means and, just common sense nd ya maybe u hav been scrapping longer then me but then again its just common sense, u get metal u sell metal u get more if u hav more metal, but I'm not gunna sit here nd chirp up other people over the internet, its just a waiste of my time I'd rather gain usfull information instead of chirping people nd not gettin nything out of it, but man oh man if ny ones gotta a problem grow some balls nd come meet up with me tuff guys, nd to let u no I'm in grade ten nd I got all my credits, the funny part is ur telling me to go back to school wen ur 40 nd ur scrappin, once I'm done school ill be making to much to even bother scrapping nd most deffinetly waiste my time on this forum god u guys crack me up
    You were given constructive friendly advice on posting in this forum and are now lashing out in a threatening manner. Through all walks of life you will find that some respect for your elders goes a long way. When one of them tries to point you in the right direction, it is generally good advice to follow.

    Looking back through some of your original posts they were much more clear with no where near the amount of typos, misspellings and abbreviations. I am assuming that the difference may be posting from a computer versus posting from a phone. Is that right?

    You then proceed to slam the full time scrappers on here saying how much more you are going to make than them after you are finished with school. For the record, there are probably several full time scrappers here whose income is on par with many white collar workers, certainly equal to or greater than the average blue collar worker at the least.

    I have no authority here, but I suggest an apoligy for lashing out if you want to stick around here and learn from those that have been doing it before you were even a glint in your daddies eye. I for one was originally excited to see a young guy out scrapping and posting here, but your age is showing now. This is your chance to be a grown up and continue on this forum.

    Sorry to anyone if I have over stepped my bounds in suggesting this.

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  22. #18
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    I'm not sure even McDonald's would hire you with that atrocious spelling. Anyways, you go on with your bad self and show us how the big bucks are made. We lowly peons will just keep on keeping on.

  23. #19
    teenscrapper started this thread.
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    ...The big bucks r made by noing spot noing people,nd by going to university witch u need big bucks nd good marks to get into.. witch I have lol

  24. #20
    Mick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teenscrapper View Post
    ...The big bucks r made by noing spot noing people,nd by going to university witch u need big bucks nd good marks to get into.. witch I have lol
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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