Teen, was just trying to help you out man. You still have a few things to learn about life. Wisdom will come with age, but you have to be willing to take criticism in order to improve yourself. Criticism sucks. It means you did something wrong. It hurts your pride. GET OVER IT, and quick! You will never learn anything if you keep letting pride rule how you interact with people. Criticism may suck, but failure is only failure if you DO NOT LEARN FROM IT. It will only make you smarter, stronger, and better in the end.
As for your "big bucks" job, you're young. Have you even had a steady 9-5 job, other than for a relative, or mowing lawns? You have a lot to learn about the corporate world. If you are too lazy to type a few extra letters in a paragraph to make your post easier to read for others, then you will not get far. You may act nice, and do it proper in class and to your bosses face, but it's the attitude that makes the difference in the end. The laziness to type correctly, the laziness to read and learn from others before throwing out 20 questions, and the laziness and down right poor attitude towards learning to improve yourself does not end with this forum. I'm sure it translates into other areas of your life, and I'm equally sure it will only hurt you and hinder you. I hope and pray that you will learn this now and not 10 years from now, so that you may not feel like you have wasted those years...
...But i fear this is just another call on deaf ears.
Anyway, I'm done with this post, and this thread...