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3.5 ton ac/heat pump and air handler worth for scrap

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  1. #1
    corrin started this thread.
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    Smile 3.5 ton ac/heat pump and air handler worth for scrap

    hello, my name is Corrin, Im new to the forum. I dont do much scrapping but have done a little in the past when I get enough. I live in Florida, Brevard County. My question is how much is a central AC unit worth? Im having the whole system replaced and was wondering if its worth scrapping myself or just letting someone else take it. There is no Freon left in the unit as it had a big blow out and all the Freon leaked out. air handler also going. Can someone give some idea what its worth? Thanks..... :-)

  2. #2
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    Welcome . yes there is value in it. All the information you need is in old threads. Seek and you shall find.

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  4. #3
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    You can easily find out by calling scrap yards in your area to see what they pay for on the different parts of your system. It is easy to find out, just takes a phone call.

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  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Like they mentioned, there is different types of metals inside the units. Every one has different pricing. Is it worth it?? Definitely, but to maximize your profit you need to tear it down and separate the different metals. Why get paid .05 - .08 a lb for alum.(.55) and copper,(2.05) and maybe SS (.46-.55)
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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