Anyone know where I can sell a few pounds of what I understand to be nickel tips from rechargeable batteries and another few pounds of what look like long thin strips supposedly of a more pure nickel nature than the tips? I went the other day to a fellas house/business with an 18 volt rechargeable battery (NiCad I think) for an older Milwaukee portable tool set. He rebuilds them and ships them all over the world apparently. Says his business is mostly internet. Had quite the little enterprise/shop I saw. While there I mentioned that I raised honeybees, sold honey and scrapped among other things to keep busy and stay in beer money. He asked if I wanted a box of nickel battery tips he's been collecting for a few years (thousands of tips probably weighing 7-8 lbs. or so) plus another box of some kind of strip he said was nearly pure nickel unlike the tips that are a nickel alloy. I said sure, what's not to want when its metal for free? While chatting he ended up giving me a pile of heavy extruded aluminum he'd scavenged off a 26' boat he's cut up years before and disposed of thinking he'd recycle the alum but never got around to it. Probably 40-50 lbs. of alum. I've not yet weighed it but spent an hour last night cleaning it off of any stainless etc.
Anyway, anyone know where I might get info on pedaling the nickel tips & strips or how to go about finding out? I think I'll be taking him a jar of honey next trip that way.