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AC Radiators, What is the copper recovery?

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    orisolo started this thread.
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    AC Radiators, What is the copper recovery?

    Hi Guys,

    Im considering buying AC Rads recycle machine.
    I have a good source of rads to start (about 20k lb / month)
    I found a machine in china that separate the copper tubing and get them 95-99% clean.
    The machine is able to process 2-4 tons/ hours (i'll be happy with 1t)

    The only thing that is missing is the recovery rate.
    I have search the forum and could not find an answer.
    Does anyone knows what is the average copper %%% in the rads?
    I understand that it might need to be broken down to 1 line rads 2 line rads and 3 line rads.

    Thanks in advance, any info will help.

  2. #2
    ryanw's Avatar
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    I haven't done recovery on radiators, but I do remember a post possibly here about someone who did. It's been so long, I don't remember exact ratio, but it was somewhere around 50/50...for all radiators single/2/3 row, etc.

    Sorry that's nothing definitive, but somewhere to start.

  3. #3
    1956's Avatar
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    Its a nice machine, the only question i have is in the video they only placed single strand coils in the machine, most units we do are two and three strand coils, they might have a larger machine to handle the heavy coils. or not? as far as the recovery rate, i would get twenty coils strip them by what ever method you can, there are a couple of videos on here how to and see what you come up with, i would have to say that copper weighs more than aluminum by volume.good luck.i would be concerned about the single coil only video.

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  5. #4
    F350scrapper's Avatar
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    Do one by hand then you will find out.

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  7. #5
    orisolo started this thread.
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    Hi Guys
    just un update, we took apart by hand.
    1pc of 4 ton AC rad 1 line of pipes yield 50% copper by weight (big piece weight 28lb)
    1pc of small window ac unite 2 lines of pipes yield 50% (small pc weight 1.5lb)
    So far the conclusion is 50% copper recovery in those rads.

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  9. #6
    1956's Avatar
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    Just had a quick thought call the machine maker, i am sure he will know that info,that's his selling point.

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