Originally Posted by
I see where you are coming from and understand you reasoning and commend you for being one of those who attempted to help solve the problem. Maybe this is the time to talk about a dirty big secret and find a real solution other then the usual government solution of throwing out restrictive, useless laws or regulation.
Lead is at a dollar a pound how much lead is in a crt and how hard can it be to find an economical , safe way to recover it.
It can't be any harder or more expensive then starting a new lead mining project. Lead is here it's time to find a way to deal with it instead avoiding the issue and using regulation to sweep it under the rug. mcw
Just an opinion:
See ... the thing is that we're talking about New York here. They have a rep here in the Northeast. No disrespect to any of our members but they're trending left toward larger and more intrusive government. The problem is that the imposition of order (more laws) = the escalation of social dis-order.
Eventually it gets to point where people get pissed off with all of the micro-managing of their lives and do the opposite thing purely out of spite.
It's not to say that Maine is any better, but we do have a lot of state provided
e-waste collection sites where you can drop off a TV or CRT at no cost. I don't know if they put it into effect but i think there was something about paying an end of life disposal fee when you buy a new TV. That money goes into a fund of some kind so that the program is self sustaining ? I'm a little vague on that but that's the basic idea ?
Anyway ... two different kinds of government intervention to address a problem ?