No Rog. I never have, I have never missed a election neither. My first presidential election was 1976, I was young and eager to use my right to vote. We as a nation had been through plenty, Vietnam, Water Gate and we had a President that was in office and had never been elected to that office. I voted for the wrong man in 1976 and four years later I voted for the right man. The lesson I learned was to never vote the "party" again, as that was how I voted in my first election. I now vote on the person I think qualified period, but vote every time!
We lived in rural Arkansas, in the Ouichita Mountains, a couple of miles from the Oklahoma state line. A very rural place, many people still had no electrical power, indoor plumbing, or a telephone. There was no TV reception, newspaper delivery so keeping informed and voting took effort. We were from California and my parents were both college educated, professional people (rare in that rural area). We would set down at night and listen to the radio at night, tuning in AM stations from all over (Little Rock, Chicago, Dallas, Denver). My parents wanted us to learn the struggles of rural life, be educated and aware of the current events. They knew we would not stay on the "Mountain" our whole life, my dad wished we would have, but there was a world out there and we needed to know about it! No we didn't have electric voting then, nor in the military (absentee ballot). My first California election was 1986, that and every election since is a manual, pen ink, signed and personally sealed multi page ballot. The place I have voted for past 20 years is my community center, the turnout is always large, if you vote late in the day, you will be waiting about one hour to cast that vote.
No I have honestly never seen one of those and why it looked like a "monster" to me!