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  1. #1
    joeyc1978 started this thread.
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    Got my hands on a defibrillator. Any Ideas on how to scrap it?

    So I have An AED (automated external defibrillator ), you know like the kind an EMT or paramedic uses. It is no longer in usable condition. I know there is probably Platinum wire and connectors in this thing. How can I tell whats platinum and whats not? Has anyone here ever messed around with something like this before?

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Not sure what exactly is in it. I would not count on platinum being in there. I don't see the purpose in that, but you never know.

    I did a search using defibrillator schematic and got some decent information on them. Might have a good battery in it.

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  4. #3
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    lol make sure you wear rubber gloves when handling and cut the paddle cords.... Wouldn't want you to have a shocking experience... good luck and post some pics of the inside so we can see what one looks like

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  6. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    It's a life saving device and while it may not be in the best condition, I imagine you can sell it for parts. I seriously wouldn't scrap it. The battery alone in the thing is worth atleast 100 bucks.

  7. #5
    Saroro's Avatar
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    But if it's not in use-able condition, I wouldn't part it out. I would feel terrible if a bad part got to another machine that ended up needing to actually be used. I think it's actually best to scrap it at this point.
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  9. #6
    sheenahicks's Avatar
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    I wouldn't want to let someone use that defibrillator on me during my heart attack cause it might not be effective enough. Moreover,I have read recently that automated defibrillators could be costing lives in hospitals. I was a bit boggled about the article which says that Automated Electronic Defibrillators do not improve survival rates in hospitals.In short, automated electronic defibrillators are useful and effective in saving lives, but they are not necessarily the best option in hospital cardiac wards, where staff and nurses are trained in emergency cardiac care.Well, I guess manual chest compression is way better than AEDS.

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