Hi Guys, My friend scored about 15 used 15"-17" LCD monitors from a company that told him they were hit with a power surge and were bad. Well, with not a lot to be made off of LCD's by scrapping, we did some researching and found out that 9 out of 10 LCD's just blow out a few capacitors and so we replaced the cap's in one as a trial and it works perfect. We have around $4.- $5. dollars invested in them for new parts, but the used monitors will now sell for $ 30 - $50. each. That's a whole lot better than a dollar or two from scrap. I just thought I'd let you guys know that what you think is junk may not be,,,LCD TV sets seem to have the same problems. You just have to have a little experience trouble shooting and soldering electronic components. I hope this helps someone,,,