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Scrap Sockets and high alloy values?

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  1. #1
    lousypirate started this thread.
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    Scrap Sockets and high alloy values?

    Bidding on some carbide end mills, and HSS stuff. I was wondering what the prices of these were currently... then it made me think about chrome vanadium?

    What would the value of the scrap be if I were to sell chrome vanadium sockets as scrap? I realize that they are usually worth much more as a socket than scrap metal. This is more of a curious and hypothetical question. I doubt I would ever have enough lying around that I wanted to scrap to get a good price out of it anyways.

    If you guys have an idea on current Tool steel value, let me know.

    Always looking for good avenues from work to sell our AR400-AR500 and heat treat alloys HT or HU as well.

    Keep pickin

  2. #2
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    The front axle of the Ford Model T was made from Vanadium.
    Suspension and wheels

    The front axle was drop forged as a single piece of vanadium steel. Ford twisted many axles through eight full rotations (2880 degrees) and sent them to dealers to be put on display to demonstrate its superiority.

  3. #3
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    Now here's a metal worth while - Germanium currently trades at between US$1,200 and $1,300 per kilo.


    Germanium is mainly recycled from the production processes of various industries such as fibre optics, solar cells, LEDs and infrared optics. End-of-life recycling presents significant challenges due to the dissipative nature of some of the applications.

    t U.S. germanium demand is for fiber optics
    Last edited by alloy2; 01-12-2016 at 11:33 PM.

  4. #4
    HT1's Avatar
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    watch this video,

    then sell the sockets on ebay

    BTW as an addition to the video, Cr mitigates to the surface of cast steel as the metal cool: Molten Cr is attracted to cold basically, this explains why cast 400 series stainless will rust at every grind mark, but the main body will remain rust free

    V/r HT1

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