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Big Screen TVs - Many of Them!

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  1. #1
    BigRyan started this thread.
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    Big Screen TVs - Many of Them!

    After doing a cleanout of a very nice residence today, the owner told me I could take all the large, projection type TVs in the house (I think there were 7 of them). All of them over 50". A few of them were HD projection TVs. They were all in some state of being repaired (some turned on, according to the owner...but he said they were all slightly messed up in some way or another).

    I didn't have room for all of them on the trailer after loading everything else, so I told the owner I would think about it and get back to him tomorrow.

    I sure hate to leave these behind...but have no idea if they are worth taking? My first step tomorrow is to call around to a few TV repair see if they could guide me in the right direction...I mean hell, if I could get even $15 a piece for them it would be worth it?

    Anyway, does anyone have any tips or advice?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    If there really is seven you may get close to ten a piece just scrapping them or more. I pulled two pounds of copper out of a 25" standard tv today. No i must admit i dont know if the projection screens have more or less. I can only assume more. Hope this is helpful.

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  4. #3
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Projection screen TV's are WELL worth it.

    After you break it down and get to the inerds, all you have to do is snip all the wires, pull out the board, then take out the projectors. Every projector i've torn apart has had a HUGE aluminum heat sink. Each one roughly 5 pounds, clean aluminum. Plus, each of the projectors is the same thing as a TV tube, only extremely small. You still have the hunk of copper on the end.....times 3.

    I average about 5 pounds of clean field copper from one projection tv, about 17 pounds of aluminum heat sinks, and roughly 3-8 pounds of copper breakage, plus the steel from the unit.

    In my opinion, its worth it. Have fun bud! My numbers might be a bit off, but it is what it is. I write everything down, just because i'm anal like that. And thats the average of what i've gotten so far.

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