the yard doesn't have to care or classify anything ANY way. They can classify and pay what they want to. They could have called it shred and that is the price they would pay. You don't have to sell your items to them.....if they try this sort of thing and you don't agree on price, you tell them to STOP and bring it back, you will put it back in the truck and take away. If they won't you ask for the manager RIGHT NOW.
OTOH, the pricing difference is probably $50-75 MAYBE, if it were CLEAN #1 copper and clean court will cost you more than that to file most likely (and this would be small claims). This is a lesson/education for you. Unfortunately, some yards are not scrupulous. You HAVE to educate yourself in order to not get screwed (even some of the good yards can get a bit sideways sometimes). I know it sucks, but that is just the deal.
NOW you know to get more education here, MAKE them slow the F down when processing your stuff, KNOW you can say FU%^ NO to a price (ie put it back in the truck and go somewhere else, unless there is no other place to take it), or even ask for a manager to clarify why something is priced the way it was where you can fix it (if worth your time/effort vs $$$ received). Education can be expensive sometimes...this one was not too bad all in, but is what it is.