I am new to the forum and I love the place already. Really useful information from very nice people ...
I am getting started with recycling and have some questions, I still haven't been able to figure out clearly, please guide me ...
1) What sort of compressor have copper and what have Aluminum ?
I read somewhere that the smaller ones 8,10,12 lb have Aluminum and Larger Ones 20,24,26 lb have Copper
Someone else told me the 110 V are Copper and 220 V are Aluminum ...
Is there any reality to this ? How do you judge which ones would have copper ? Is there a way to tell / estimate without opening / cutting ?
2) What is the average amount of Copper in a Compressor ? 5% ? 6 % ? 10 % ?
Say if I have a compressor weighing 10 lbs, how much is Steel, How much is Copper and How much is Oil ?
3) What is the difference between Oil and Oil Free ? Is the make different ? Does one have more copper than the other ?
4) At what price do the scrap yards sell these compressors sealed units ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.