Ok, so here is the deal I had Citi Bank call me to dispose of a commercial paper cuttter last week. Paper cutter I thought, hmm like the ones in elementary school? oh well I'm just starting out so I agree to pick it up. Like my site displays I will Pay for recyclible material and she asks how much I will pay. I politely explain that I only pay for pickups over 300 lb. She explains that She doesnt know how much weight is ther but might take 2 people to move it and they had a loading dock. I was like ok I will give 15.00 (reluctantly). I arrived and quickly found that I was completely out numbered by the pounds this thing weighed 580 lb. I had to use their pallet jack to move it to the dock area. This is the unit recovered paper cutter to make a long story short I was wondering if the blade was a "special alloy" that might be worth more money? The electric motor is locked up so no real value there. And I did find gold in the relay contacts.