Have you ever tried selling pieces of what you scrap for parts? Which parts tend to sell better?
I recently butchered a couple of old microwaves and surprisingly quickly sold their glass platters on
eBay . Then it occurred to me that a platter is probably the single most easily sold
microwave part because (i) it breaks easily and (ii) it can also be replaced quickly and easily. (Not that I am the 1st one on this forum to realize this but it was still nice to have an A-ha moment

I presume that other microwave parts such as magnetrons, transformers etc can't be sold as easily. Still, do some have a better market than others? Other than eBay or craigslist, where else could I try selling them? I live in a large metro area, can I expect to find a Mom-and-Pop-type shop that fixes electric appliances and would be willing to buy used parts?
What about other appliances? Which of their parts, if any, sell better?