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How to get rid of scrap without getting robbed?

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  1. #1
    250man started this thread.
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    How to get rid of scrap without getting robbed?

    Hey all, been reading here, great site!

    Scrapping is not my main business with what I do, but I do generate scrap. However, I have a ton of stuff that I don't think a normal scrap yard (at least around here) will take. Stuff like computers and parts, and stuff that could be scrapped if its taken apart (like 50% plastic/metal things)

    With being so busy, I don't have time to deal with that stuff. It would be really nice to respond to one of those craigslist ads looking for scrap and just let them take it.

    However, I unfortunately been the victim of scrapers breaking in and trying to steal stuff to scrap. They have thankfully been stopped and prosecuted.

    Now those ads on craigslist make me shudder thinking its going to be another shady looking crew in S-10's that are going to be scoping out my place when they come to get what I am giving and come make a return hit.

    So, the question is, how do you find out if someone that is a complete stranger is trustworthy? I imagine the answers is you can't know for sure, but how can you get a good idea?

    The best I have thought up is to haul stuff to the source. But it would be nice to get some money to at least cover the fuel. The worst part is my time that won't be covered. Would be much easier to have a truck here and I can keep finding stuff to give them.
    Last edited by 250man; 06-04-2011 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    If you're in my area of Maine, check out my website. Sounds like what you're looking for.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #3
    Scraplogic's Avatar
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    You should not meet CL buyers at your own house or business. You also should not have to go too far to meet. Offer a certain small quantity of what you have, and reply to three different CL responders. If one seems promising, trustworthy, non-shady, ask if you could call them again with more next week/month. Meet them again in a week/month. Get to know them a little, then if they seem like a regular scrapper, they can come by and pick up right from your place after you know them.

    In your first ad, request scrapper from your area. They will keep coming longer if it isn't way out of their way. Scrappers like to run pick-up routes that make sense and are economical. State in the ad, you may be looking/interviewing for someone who can do a regular periodic pick-up. If you set up something regular, get their name, addr, truck license, phone, etc. Offer to refer them when you can.

    For the first time strangers, put a small amount of your junk in the truck and meet at a grocery store parking lot near you. Anyone you like, could then get the rest at later date, and regular pick-ups.

    You might find someone on the board, if we know where you are. I'm in MN.

  4. #4
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Yes, what is your location? Town and state. there are lots of people on this site that may be able to help you.

  5. #5
    c4f5's Avatar
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    It is truly sad that hard times have lead so many people to desparate criminal measures that have tarnished the image of the scrap metal community with so many good folks like yourself. I do not blame you for being reluctant to release your location. Of course there will be the occassional flake, but indeed, most of the fellows on here have every desire to build lasting business relationships. Just like you, repeat business is what makes us thrive. You clearly need our service as much as most of us want to provide it. If you don't want to divulge your city, then at least a county might get something going with the right person on here. Best of luck.

  6. #6
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    I may like to buy your computer waste items. What all do you have?

  7. #7
    250man started this thread.
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    Thanks guys!

    Good post c4f5! Its amazes me that people make the choices they do.

    Very cool on your website Mick! I wish you were closer, very professional!

    I'm in SE Ohio. I guess you could call me super paranoid, but if I post the city, and you're from this area, very likely you'll know where it is. Don't know if the shady scrap guys are reading this forum or not.

    Would be glad to get in touch with a forum member from this area to see if we could work something out!

    easyrecycle, you name it, I probabley have it! The bulk of what I have is electronic stuff. Would of course be interested in selling if the distance is not a problem, but if it hurts the chances of getting rid of everything, probabley not. I figure the towers and other "better" stuff will hopefully sweeten the deal enough so the recipient will take the CRT monitors. Monitors of course have not been molested, and I'd say 98% of them work.

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by 250man; 06-05-2011 at 05:07 PM.

  8. #8
    Silence's Avatar
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    Im from South central Ohio, maybe we could get something worked out. You can review my website at Ohio Metal Recyclers

  9. #9
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    love your web site, Silence

  10. #10
    c4f5's Avatar
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    Very nice indeed. That is a level of the game I would one day love to achieve.

  11. #11
    Silence's Avatar
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    Thanks for the compliments on the site, its still a work in progress only a couple months old. I'm not quite at the level of business that I seem. My intention is to lay out a plan, implement the plan and when needed be a problem solver to make things happen. Hopefully this will get me where I want to be in this business.

  12. #12
    Mick's Avatar
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    Great site, Silence. But why require login and password for so many sections?.

  13. #13
    Silence's Avatar
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    Mostly for the privacy for the commercial accounts. That should be the only private section. ahhh then the community script, I realize that the logins need to be unified I've just been lazy in that aspect. After I add the live chat I will be ready to have the site flow a little better with logins and such. I plan on working on the chat tonight, shouldnt take more than 2 hours to get the basic chat up. There is another problem as I dont want customers to access the live chat, just for us to bs in real time. This may take more thought. And is there a member here "scrapit2day" they signed up on my site with a not so cool user name "f**kme" without the asterics of course. Please show a little more respect than that, I dont think i've offended anyone here. Your new display name is KissMePlease. LMAO

  14. #14
    Silence's Avatar
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    btw this thread has gotten way off topic

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