Hello All,

I've been researching for some time for a particular machine, but I haven't found anything useful. So maybe someone here can help or knows something from experience? I know that this machine exists since I've seen the final product, but it seems like I'm searching for the wrong thing. Or it could be something custom.

What I'm looking for is a machine to turn my scrap stainless steel into small granules. The scrap I have is in the form of mill/lathe swarf, wire, and various shaped metal pieces. My definition of small granules would be small enough to be sifted through an 18 mesh screen (roughly). Their uniformity and shape should be pretty consistent. I would attach a pic, but it doesn't seem like I have permissions to do so.

I've seen copper wire granulators, and they produce a similar kind of output, but wouldn't work in my case. Other granulating and pulverizing machines I've seen work on things like plastic, rocks, etc... but not on metals. Shredders work with ferrous metals, but the output is not what I'm looking for. So I'm stuck as to what else can do this.

Does anyone happen to know of a machine or a process that is capable of grinding stainless steel into granules? Maybe a machine capable of grinding any metal into granules which could be customized to work with stainless? Or is this something that would have to be custom designed? These granules do have a purpose in our shop, but I can't discuss it at the moment.

Thanks in advance,